Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Steven kept his "Movember" facial hair a few days into the New Year.  He thought he'd test his new mustached look out at work.  I think it went over well.  It certainly got plenty of giggles from me.
We made a quick trip to Dallas to see some of our very favorite people: the Brown family.
Josh turned 7, and my kids were all thrilled to get to be there to celebrate with him.  Josh had a way cool glow-in-the-dark jammie bouncy house party at Pump it Up.  Complete with light-up glasses and glow bracelets.  In true fashion, Alison thought of it all.
On our way home from Dallas the boys and I tried out In N Out burger for the first time.  We liked!
A Saturday morning atop Mt. Bonnell.  It was beautiful.
I had all these crazy weirdos in my car.
At another bouncy house party for his good buddy, Levi, Will sported a fetching mustache.
This big guy figured out that feeding himself was fun and so very freeing.  I have since mopped up a great deal of yogurt.  Yay.
Dad & Ann came into to town to celebrate Will's birthday a day early and treated him to all kinds of fun.  He was thrilled to be able to go out with them all by himself and do things that were just for him.
The next morning though he woke up sick as a dog.  He was so, so pitiful.  I've never seen him so sick.  He spent 5 days on the couch battling fever and fatigue.  I was praying he would feel better by the time his birthday party day arrived on Saturday, and praise God he did.
While Will was stuck on the couch, the weather got all nutsy.  Throughout the month of January we had a few delayed starts to school and cancelled school days.  We got freezing rain early on Will's birthday, and Matt was dying to get out in it.  Johnny was cool with it until he slipped.  It was one cold, long winter.  Not complaining though!
Will was super excited about his birthday party, and was more than ready to play his role as Superman all day.
His friends were in character as well.
Pinata time!
What I love about this one is Johnny sitting down, peacefully watching the action.
And, it wouldn't be a birthday without some tears.  Birthday boy wasn't getting his hands on any of the loot.  Everyone of course shared, and he worked it out.
My favorite part...cake time!
Then they bounced, rode and ran off the sugar.  It was a great morning of fun celebrating our FIVE year old, William.
These kids ran countless laps back and forth across the backyard.  Matthew might be just a little bit competitive.  :)

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