Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Johnny is ONE!

The year went by in a flash, and now my baby is ONE year old!!!  How?  He's beyond adorable, and his personality is beginning to show.  He's decided now that he is one that he has feelings and opinions and silliness and naughtiness.  When he turned one back in May he had 5 teeth.  Now that he is nearly 14 months he has 7 teeth.  He is still not walking, which is no surprise because my children are super slow walkers.  But, I swear he is right on the cusp.  He stands solidly and will take a tentative step or two.  And he can get great speed while pushing his push car around the house.  I know it won't be long.  He's going to break free any day now.
We celebrated Johnny's birthday over Mother's Day weekend.  That Sunday at church we had him dedicated---committing to raising our precious son in a Christian home where he will learn about Jesus and hopefully one day trust Him as his Savior.  He was super wiggly during be beginning of the service and through the all the singing leading up to dedication time.  The boy cannot sit still.  I marvel at babies who will sit still in their parent's laps; mine just don't do that.  They got stuff to do!  Anyway, he did great during the dedication as we were standing in front of the congregation.  He pulled on the pastor's microphone which is always comical.
After church we welcomed everyone over to our house for lunch.  Burgers and Dogs.  Yum!  The two Hanks sat at a table by themselves since their only topic of conversation was poo-poo.  They're going to eventually grow out of that, I just know it.
Those two.
Zach was kind enough to take some family photos of us.
This is the best one.
Such beautiful Moran and Rener women!  Wind blowing through the hair and all.
At cake time Johnny got serenaded and seemed to enjoy it.
He was unsure about the cake at first.  Until Aunt Joy showed him how delicious chocolate frosting is.  And then he shoveled it in.
Another cute Matt & Ava photo for the wedding rehearsal.  :)
Fun was had by all.  They got really creative in the sand box.  I love how well they all play together and how imaginative they all are.  Sweetness.
It was Mother's Day, and I was definitely missing my mom.  It pains me that she is not here to see all these amazing children.  But, I can close my eyes and see her smiling and laughing.  I'm so thankful she was my mom.  God made me her daughter to help prepare me to be the mother of these three sons.  What a blessing it is to be their mother.  One calls me "Mom", one calls me "Mama" and "Mommy", and the littlest calls me "MaMaMaMa!!!"  I never would have imagined I'd be the mother of 3 boys, but now that I am, I know it's right where God wanted me to be.  And I love it.  :)  We had a great day celebrating Mothers and our darling one year old Johnathan.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I call shenanigans

Dinner time has to be Will's least favorite time of day.  It is an exercise in frustration every night unless I fix him what we call a "Will plate" consisting of boring foods that are acceptable to his discerning palate.  When I cook dinner, which is most nights, I make him try one bite of everything that I have made.  He usually will come running up to the table and examine his plate, and if he finds it unacceptable he will go run and get in his bed.  He has spent lots of time at the dinner table --an hour and a half might be his longest to date-- stubbornly refusing to choke down one bite of chicken.  And I make good food.  It's so disappointing.  I try to tell him that he's missing out, but he's not buying it.  Anyway, most of these nights end up in tears for him or with some form of punishment.  Last night he brought it to a whole new level.
The two offending foods I had placed on his plate to try last night were some grilled chicken and steamed broccoli.  Both he has had before.  I asked him to eat one bite of chicken and eat one piece of broccoli and then he could get down.  Matthew, Johnny and I had long been done --Matt had even already polished off his dessert-- and Will still sat at the table stubborn as can be.  Will was left at the dinner table while I bathed John, and Matt had retreated to the living room to read.  I was getting J out of the tub when Will came running in to triumphantly tell me that he had eaten his broccoli and chicken.  I went and examined his plate.  It was indeed gone!  Great job, Will, you may now get down.  He asked if he could have dessert.  Of course not.  But I did give him 5 Skittles.
Minutes later I was wiping down the table and noticed a couple small pieces of chicken stashed in the napkin holder.  "Will, why is there chicken in the napkin holder?"  He says, "I don't know."  "Hmm, well you must have put it there."  He says, "No."  Then he says this, "Don't look in the cabinet!!!  There's nothing in there!!!"  Mmmhmm.  I walked over to the cabinet in the kitchen with Will close on my heels.  I opened it and found a wadded up napkin hiding his chicken in it sitting inside a stack of plastic bowls.  He still denied it.  Oh Will.  We talked about how he had lied to me and not told me the truth.  I had to spank him, and that is the utmost betrayal and insult to Will.  After a long talk I told him he needed to apologize and asked him if he was sorry.  He stood there and shook his head at me.  "Will, you're not sorry for what you did?  You lied to me."  More head shaking.  And then Will was sent to bed.  When Matt went to bed 45 min. later Will was still thrashing around in his bed angry as could be.
I really thought he'd still be angry with me this morning.  He didn't mention it.  Just another Will battle. One day he will eat.  I just know it.  And in the process I hope he learns to tell the truth!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just an ordinary morning

People all the time ask me what it's like having 3 boys.  Along with words like fun, crazy and rowdy I always say that it is LOUD.  This is one of the many reasons why.