Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year

The excitement level here at the Jones house hit an all-time high this past week with the long awaited arrival of Christmas Day. Christmas Eve, like usual, we had an early evening meal before heading to church. What was unusual this year, however, is that Steven had to work all day Christmas Eve, and Bryan & his family who always join in our festivities were quite ill. We missed all of them! Steven arrived home in time to make it to church with us. He was there to answer all of Matt's questions and to help me tame his wiggles.
Christmas morning I expected Matt to come tearing down the hall. That's not what happened. He woke up just a few minutes before 7:00 and went to the restroom. He returned to his room and got back in bed. He waited until he heard Will wake up and then went into his room to tell Will Merry Christmas. How adorable is that?
Matthew was so cute and displayed a typical, composed Jones-level of excitement upon seeing all his loot. My favorite comment he made was when he saw the sidewalk chalk...he said,"Mommy, look! Sidewalk chalk! Santa must have gone outside and he knew that we needed some more so he left us a bunch!" He is mostly infatuated with his Playmobil construction/garage set. It's all kinds of nerdy...full of signs, a jack-hammer, wheelbarrow, a bag of cement, cones, you name it. Suits him perfectly. Will examined one thing after another, but his favorite that morning was the Hot Wheels race track.
Will also got this really awesome donkey. Hearing him say Rody might be even cuter than seeing him bouncing on it. So far though, I've seen Matt bouncing on it more than Will.
Grandma & Grandpa gave Will this awesome Will-sized Brobee. He loves it. Brobee receives lots of snuggles and tackles. We had a lovely Christmas lunch that afternoon and then headed to Bryan & Sarah's house. Thankfully everyone there was feeling much better.
We feasted on sweets galore! Delish.
We played some games. I totally lost.
We opened presents. Throwing the wrapping paper up into the air became the most fun aspect of it after awhile. The kids went nuts. The boys had a blast playing with their cousins.
What a blessed time we had with our family. Watching the kids' reactions and their pure delight is such a joy. It's funny because as a kid I didn't sleep very well Christmas Eve because I was too excited--or because Bryan would wake me up and try to spoil the surprise--and now Steven & I both don't sleep well because we're so excited to see the kids' faces and how much fun they're going to have. But now that Christmas is over I am exhausted! I feel like I can't get enough sleep. This week has been nice and lazy! More celebrations to come...Joy and Ken's birthdays are tomorrow followed by the New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas week is here!

It's almost Christmas!!! Since my children are over spending time with their grandparents and I am at a pause in my cooking and preparation for the evening's meal I thought I'd get kind of caught up here. First....Steven had a birthday this week! My dear, sweet husband turned 35 on Tuesday. Due to his work schedule and the crazy schedules of all our family and friends we were unable to celebrate him appropriately on his actual day, but we swear to make it up to him after Christmas. Love you, honey! But look at that sweet UT tie I gave him! He's so handsome.
Last weekend I took the kids to Houston to spend some quality time with my dear friend Sara and her family. Alison and Josh were able to join us as well, so we had a wonderful time catching up and laughing at our children all playing together. I love those ladies and their sweet children. Matt was overjoyed to be able to stay under the same roof with Josh and Isa. Not much sleeping happened, but we still had a great time.
We went to the park and had an always satisfying Chick-fil-a lunch.
We decorated a gingerbread house! Good times. Will ate SO MUCH candy. Good grief.
Christmas comes but once a year right? How many days in a row am I allowed to use that excuse?
The Olivers have an awesome 4-wheeler that the boys LOVED riding on. They went up and down the driveway countless times. Will scooted along on a big wheel type thing and kept up with the big boys.
In an attempt to settle down this group of rambunctious children and prepare them for a good night's sleep we put on a movie. It did the trick all right. It put an end to this very strange and unexplainable "Go Whiskers" chant that they all kept repeating all day long for who knows what reason. They look so cute all sitting there together. We had an awesome time at the Oliver home...they are so gracious to let us come invade their home so close to Christmas! If they'll have us, we'd love to do it again. :)
On the way home the kids & I somehow found ourselves at Shipley's donuts. Whoops. They were tasty.
It's raining!! I can't even remember the last time it did that here. Up next: a delightful ham dinner followed by the Christmas Eve service, dessert here afterward and maybe a visit from Santa for my two sweet boys! Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Goodies

Last Tuesday evening was Matt's preschool Christmas program. I wrestled him into his fancy holiday attire and told him what a handsome boy he is. In return I got a very serious face for this photo.
He got to sing 3 songs with his classmates in the beautifully decorated sanctuary of our church. Will passed the time by running the pews and aisles and testing the volume of his voice. Matt did a super job; he stood still and appeared to know all the words. They sang some song I hadn't heard of before called "Little Grey Donkey" that they hit their sticks together while singing it. It made me proud that he stayed completely on the right beat. Immediately after that I headed to my second cookie party of the season. We have a serious overload of sweets around here because look what I was also busy making this past week....
Chocolate and peppermint dipped marshmallows! Perfect for stirring into hot chocolate. Mmmmm.
And chocolate dipped pretzels.
And peppermint brownie pops. Oh my goodness those are awesome. I will be making those again for sure. I've got more confections to make this week. Baking is bliss!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Gingerbread house

We had a full day yesterday. It began with an early morning visit to the Dr. for Matt's 5 year well check. He continues to be a square. He's 43.5" (50%ile) and 44 lbs (75%ile). He chatted with Dr. Brown pretty easily but was unable to tell her what he wanted for Christmas and then also told her that his favorite thing to do was play with his Hot Wheels. Maybe 2 years ago, but now it would be looking at maps or playing with his train track. It's just funny to hear what comes out. The Dr. prepared him that he was getting 2 booster shots that morning, so once she left the room he got really quiet and pouty. But then the nurse came in and he held on tight to Steven while getting his shots but he didn't cry at all. Not a word. I couldn't believe it. We were so proud of him. He put his shirt and shoes back on and marched out of there like it was no big deal. Hopefully he can avoid the shot-phobia that Steven & I are plagued with! Now, he's all set for kindergarten, and no more shots until he's 11. And that's like forever away. :)
Steven & Matt got haircuts that afternoon and then we got to work on building our gingerbread house. After we'd waited the alotted time for the walls to set so we could start decorating it, I couldn't keep the kids from eating up all the candy. Will just dug into those little bowls of goodness and chomped away as fast as he could stuffing his mouth full of candy. We decided to pause our decorating until after Will went to bed because, seriously, we couldn't stop him from eating the candy. He greeted Steven with a really awesome diaper this morning. :)
Once the candy eater was in bed Matt and I finished our masterpiece. We even included some signs, you know, for a personal touch. Now I get to hear Matt ask me everyday, "Mom, when can I eat it?"
In other unrelated but exciting news, Will is out of the high chair! Yay!!! He has been very pleased to have been moved into the booster seat at the big table with the rest of us. I know he feels like such a big boy. He eats a lot better up there, and there is so much less food thrown. He's gotten really good at using a fork and spoon. His progress just amazes me because Matt stayed in that high chair until we moved in with Tim & Pam, and I remember it being a more difficult adjustment with him. Will is growing up and he thinks he is big stuff, let me tell you. Just don't try and help feed him while he's sitting there at the table--he'll give you an earful of fuss.

Monday, December 6, 2010

What have we been doing??

Well, lots of things. The stomp rocket has gotten lots of action in the backyard recently. I got one rocket lodged in a tree one afternoon (because I'm so awesomely strong), but by morning some critter or perhaps the wind had sent it back down to ground. Both boys love it. So do I. It's really a good stress reliever!
Once Thanksgiving was over Matthew literally could not wait to get out the Christmas decorations. He asked everyday until I finally agreed to drag it all out. We opened all my neatly organized bins and Matt greeted all his well-loved and cherished Christmas things with great enthusiasm. He got the Little People nativity out and commenced to playing with it for quite some time. He took Mary & Joseph (with their donkey) on a long ride to Bethlehem. Did you know that to get to Bethlehem you have to take some of our neighborhood streets like Daugherty? He's so funny.
Will tried to match Matt's enthusiasm just because he wants to play along. We got out the singing snowmen and he wan't too sure about them at first, but now he makes them sing to him all the time.
We got another Lowe's tree this year, and it is beautiful. Not nearly as straggly and Charlie Brown-esque as last year's. By the way, don't take Will with you to Lowe's unless you are prepared to run. Will has been nice to the tree for the most part. He was most unhelpful while we were decorating it. As we were putting ornaments on he was taking them off. Matt did a great job hanging the ornaments, even if they were mostly clustered together and hanging from the very tip of the branch. He was very thoughtful about their placement and tried to put the non-breakable ones close to the bottom. He knows his destructo-brother well.
And....drum roll please.................Steven & I got iPhones!!!!! We've been having a lot of fun with them. There is a world of difference between it and my old, seemingly archaic flip phone. I feel cool and important now.
Will's favorite accessories are his red cap and Matt's sunglasses. He knows he looks super funny in them so he wears them all the time. And in a diaper??? It doesn't get any cuter than that.
Saturday morning I took the boys to Tyler & Ryan's birthday party at Pump It Up. Such an awesome place. Before the safety video was shown and other kids were playing on the floor with blocks, Matt curled up and read a book.
Once we got in the massive room of bouncy houses, Matt had to read all the safety rules posted before he would jump. Can you say rule follower?
The group picture was awesome. I wan't sure if Will would sit still for the shot, but once I suggested he sit with Ava he was all about it. Belly out and all. It was a great party; those Hamptons throw a great one! Happy Birthday to Tyler & Ryan!
I have also been baking like crazy. One of my favorite things to do, yes. In the past few days I have made 2 loaves of pumpkin gingerbread, 6 dozen cookies, and a red velvet cake. Whew!
Joy's awesome cookie party that she throws every year was on Saturday night. I decided to make my well loved Sweeties recipe; it's like an almond flavored sugar cookie. So delicious. It was another thoroughly enjoyable evening filled with yummy food, good friends and tasty beverages. It's definitely my favorite party of the year. She works so hard to throw such an awesome party each and every year. Thanks so much Joy!
Yesterday was Pam's birthday. We got to celebrate with her at their house last night. When we woke up that morning I heard Matt rustling around and had no idea what he was getting into. When I emerged from bed he was sitting on the floor with the kids' craft bin open and lining up markers, glitter pens, stickers and paper. He said he was getting out lots of beautiful things to make Aunt Pam a birthday card. It's so sweet to me that she was on his mind first thing in the morning. Your nephews love you, Pam, and so do we. Everyone needs an Aunt Pam in their life!
So, are things going to slow down? Not likely. Tis the season!