Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Saturday the boys and I had the pleasure of watching the UT game over at the Reners while Steven was at work drowning in flu shots. Matt & Ava were pretty sweet to each other all day. Matt missed a nap that day and it showed when he had a meltdown while they were riding bikes in the driveway. That boy needs his sleep. Those two enjoyed watching Will jump around and chat it up. I love that they pulled up chairs so they could be close to him. This picture is taken after we made them back up a little bit and they're still all up in his face! He loved it though.Later that evening I gave Matt a reading lesson from one of my cookbooks. Random, I know. But really, he recognizes a lot of cooking terms and food words. Cake being one of them. What?This is Matthew yesterday after school. I had to wake that boy up he slept so long that afternoon. He was sleeping hard. He didn't even flinch when I took the picture.And then there's my little William. He's 8 months old! I can't even believe it. He's chatty as can be and is eating all kinds of exciting foods. He's doing really well getting the food into his mouth all on his own, and this is him eating some cheese and chicken. He loved it. He's not crawling yet but is oh so close. It's hilarious to watch him try though because he basically spins around on his belly and scoots around in a circle. Spin the baby! I also have my suspicions that he's got some teeth coming in on the bottom. We'll see! He is such a fun baby and has such a sweet, happy disposition. We are so blessed!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I had such a great game plan. Such forethought. This morning I had Bible study at 9:30. Steven stayed the night last night out in Lago Vista for a hunting expedition early this morning. So I knew I'd be on my own this morning. I had my Bible and workbook all packed, diaper bag ready, coffee pot ready to brew in the morning, and alarm set for 7:00 so I could get up before the kids and shower.
At 6:00 I heard Will making noises. Then the cat chimed in. At 6:30 I heard muted, pitiful whining coming from Matt's room. And the cat continued to complain. At 6:50 I finally got up. The fact that I set an alarm now makes me laugh. I opened Matt's door and he told me that he was cold and that he needed to go potty. He talked in his loud 3 year old voice all the way down the hall and of course the little one heard him and started to chat as well. Matt asked me if Will was awake. I said yes. But, I told him that I wanted to keep Will in there so I could get a quick shower. "Okay Mommy, I'll just go play." Wonderful. I emerged from the bathroom to find Will's door opened and the light on. Matt was sitting on the floor playing with Will's toys, and Will was happily chatting in his bed holding a rattle that Matt had given him. Matthew: "He was awake, Momma, so I just gave him a toy." Sigh. Honestly, it was pretty sweet, but we did have to talk about that part where I'd asked him NOT to go into Will's room. Thankfully, Will was fine with it. It just shows what a sweet natured, laid-back kid that he is that he didn't resort to crying at any point from the time he woke up at 6:00. Although, he whined a little once he saw my face staring at him.
It was funny. Oh, and I did make it to Bible study. On time! Now my early risers are enjoying nice, long naps.
Isn't that just so cozy and cute?And this is Matt's latest bathroom art creation. I like that Pooh is in the potty chair. And it's like he's gazing down from his throne at all his loyal bathroom subjects.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Last weekend we drove to Jacksonville for a family reunion on the Jones side. Well, Kolb, really. Steven's paternal grandmother's side. The drive there was LONG and loud. We got in Friday night just in time to catch the Jacksonville fightin' Indians (or Tribe if you prefer to be more PC) play Palestine in their homecoming football game. I had no idea that this would be part of my weekend, but I must say it was a highly entertaining evening. Steven had the sweats just wondering if he'd see anyone he might know or should remember but doesn't. It was quite comical. The fanfare of it all was entertainment enough for me. The large "J" that is lit on fire at the beginning of every game, the ridiculous size of the girls' mums, the Indians' mascot, the lacksadasical cheerleaders, the overly enthusiastic player not in his pads but felt it was his responsibility to get the crowd on their feet, the Kick Kats drill team on the opposing side, the homecoming court presentation, the huge inflatable football helmet the team ran though, etc., etc. A feast for the eyes!Saturday the family arrived and we enjoyed talking and eating and watching the kids play. The older adults (ahem!) spent hours at the dining room table telling stories and recalling things from way back when. Joyce was smart and had the tape recorder catching all the jewels. The antique tinker toys came out (they were Steven's which probably means they were Tim's which definitely means they're old! ha) and Matt loved them. Birthday idea #1! Matt also got to play with two girls that he called his new cousins. So funny. They are Steven's cousin's little girls, Raelee and Shelbee. Matt followed them around all day and was beside himself that they were still there after he woke up from his nap. He's asking me when they're going to come to our house. It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend. Oh, and I must add that the dessert table was overflowing and included 4 bundt cakes. 4! I love it.Our ride home was much more pleasant. Perhaps in part to the stop at Dairy Queen where Will got his first taste of french fries and ice cream, and where Matt got to finish off the mint oreo blizzard in the car. And when we got home I was pleasantly surprised to find that my fantasy team was scoring all kinds of ridiculous points. What a great day.This is Matthew making Will laugh hysterically the other day. The boy loves to get the laughs.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

An Update

For those who may have been wondering about the latest on William, here's an update. We took him in to see our pediatrician last week to follow up after all the tests we did a few weeks ago. He was weighed and is now 13 lbs., up half a pound from his 6 month check up. Not great, but getting better. After several questions about our family tree, feeding & elimination habits Dr. Brown concluded that he most likely does not have any kind of genetic abnormality. Yay! The previous pediatrician had recommended we see a geneticist and I was not entirely comfortable with that. Dr. Brown did think he may, if anything, have a growth hormone deficiency and we may one day take into consideration growth hormone shots. Since we don't yet know his growth potential and won't until he's 2, we can wait on that for now. Overall, he is healthy and right on target for all his milestones. I let out a huge sigh of relief upon leaving the pediatrician's office. Steven asked if it was worth the $25 co-pay. Yes. Yes it was.William is exploring more and more foods. Our pediatrician said we could go forward with lots of once thought taboo foods at this age such as peanut butter and eggs. I haven't introduced those yet, but Will's new favorites are yogurt and mango. He even ate some pancake the other day. Sadly, he's not into avocado yet. I keep trying it every week, and I know he's going to change his mind one day! Matthew has enjoyed helping feed Will, or "my baby" as he calls him. It's pretty cute.Out of boredom and also because Matt did not nap that particular day and we needed something to fill the time, we built a fort. I must say it turned out pretty well. Matt, Will & Moses all enjoyed it. If you look closely Moses is sitting in the tunnel behind Will. And yes, most days Matthew still naps. Every now and then he'll just sit back there and chat it up for an hour. The next day Steven built a playpen for Will while he and Matt played Wii games. Father of the Century!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Port Aransas 2009

Our annual college reunion trip to Port Aransas this past weekend was filled with TONS of kids (22 to be exact), lots of hilarious moments, one map-oversight for us resulting in one very frustrated Steven, a poopy 3 1/2 year old who refused to be photographed on picture day or participate in the toddler race, lots of good food and no sunburns. Well, there was a lot more to it than that. Our trip down was great. Both kids did wonderfully in the car. Blanket boy actually took a nap!We were condomates with our good friends Bret & Sara and their kids Isa & Diego. Matt & Isa played like best friends all weekend and were rather attached to each other. We ended up putting Matt, Isa & Diego all in one room to sleep at night. The first night it was a total party in there. Diego was running laps in his pack & play, and Matt & Isa were jumping on their beds, shouting, and running around. Bret & I each went in there multiple times. My mistake, however, was telling them "that's enough" as I chastised and threatened in my meanest mom voice. Then, all I heard the remaining days was "that's enough!" as Isa & Matt giggled and taunted each other. They thought it was hilarious. So, every other night we put Matt to sleep on our bed and then transferred him into the kid room. It worked. I like the one inappropriate picture of Matt & Isa under the sheets. They had a ball.There were so many of us...we must have looked like quite the group. 14 couples and all their kids. It was wild. Look at us totally taking over the pool. Also notice how most of the kids are brave enough to jump into the pool now. But not ours. He clings to us with a death grip. Not a natural swimmer, that one. Maybe next year?Matthew's favorite part of the beach was playing in the sand. And enjoying everyone's snacks. He liked the water only if one of us would carry him and jump waves while holding him. Tightly. Lots of cool things were made and destroyed in the sand. These kids are getting creative. So are their fathers. William liked playing in the sand until it got all over his face and inevitably in his eyes and mouth. That child is so flexible. He slept peacefully on me while down at the beach and did great in his pack & play every night. Sweet natured little baby.Grill night was insanity as usual. Matt ran around without his shoes on and was all kinds of funky by the end of the evening. This picture is great because not only are our children playing with empty beer bottles, but Matt once again refuses to look at the camera. He had a blast playing with all his friends until we had to leave abruptly to answer Mother Nature's panicked call.Saturday was the day we dress all our kids in Longhorn gear and force them to line up for a picture. Ours couldn't be forced. He was sour that morning. The guys watched the Texas game that night at a local establishment while the girls stayed back with the kids.Sunday night us girls got together and played dominoes in the condo reck room. We gathered around the ping pong table and devoured desserts and drinks. At least until we were kicked out at 11.Here's our condo family. Joneses and Olivers, room 125. Aw yeah.It was a great, great trip. Naturally, Matthew is asking when we get to go back. He thinks he's getting robbed by only getting to go once a year. I agree. But at least we know that one trip is one that gives us fuel for conversation all year through. See you next year Port A!