Sunday, March 10, 2013

Let's go racing!

Last Saturday Steven took Matt & Will to Circuit of the Americas to see a race and watch all the cool cars.  Johnny & I stayed behind.  I didn't think a loud race track was a great place for an infant.  So we had our own fun!  It was a beautiful, but chilly day.
Before the race they got to explore pit lane.  Matt found some treasures.
They got to take turns holding the checkered flag.
They got to look inside the race cars and see all the complicated buttons and steering wheels and such.
They both said they had a good time.  Does Will look like a future race car driver?
I'm not sure how interested they were in the actual race.
In fact, Steven said a lot of what they did was fuss over the bag of snacks I had packed for them.  And then Will did some crazy martial art-like poses for a good 30 minutes.
It was an adventure, and I'm thankful to have a husband who loves his boys enough to take them to such events even if it means he has to carry them, mediate fights over snacks, listen to whining about not getting ice cream, and dealing with their underappreciation of the scene they are observing.  They'll look back one day and realize how really cool it was and what an awesome dad they have.  I think they already know that.  :)

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