Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer's end

Summer is wrapping up...and although this sickeningly hot weather will remain with us long after summer is technically over, I am shocked at how quick our summer went by. Matthew met his new teachers for the upcoming preschool year that begins on Tuesday. He'll be reunited with his old school buddies and all the mischief they create together. He gets to go on field trips this year! I guess I am just astounded at how much my little boy is growing up. Not only does he look bigger he acts bigger as well. And not always in a becoming way.
Whoever said that girls talk more than boys should come spend an afternoon with Matthew. I'm surprised I'm not hoarse by the end of the day. The boy talks constantly. Unless he's parked in front of the computer listening to music or playing Curious George games. Even then though he's usually talking to himself. Or George. Truly though, the best dialogue and the most memorable things that come out of his mouth are right when he wakes up from a nap. The fog hasn't quite cleared and he says the funniest things. The other day he sat up in bed and said, "Whew! (he started slapping his hands around) I's just tryin' to slap all that sleep off." Or another day, "Hey Mommy Foofa was just sittin' there watchin' me sleep cause she's a funny girl." Foofa from Yo Gabba Gabba. I should really keep a pad of paper and a pen in his room so I can jot all the classic lines down.William Billiam is as sweet as ever. He's added more foods to his repertoire and seems to be enjoying solid foods finally. Sweet potatoes are the favorite. He's sitting up really well now and continues to enjoy being entertained by his brother. He's beginning to show his personality by throwing a fit when a toy is taken from him. I had forgotten how early all that starts. He's my tiny, cuddly, happy baby. I like to call him my pocket size baby!

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