Monday, March 24, 2008


We serve a risen Savior...Hallelujah! What a day we had! Matthew woke up to his smiling parents photographing him and wishing him a Happy Easter and ushering him into the living room to find his basket. He first stopped at the dining table that was all decorated and said, "oh wow...hap-burk-gay Maffew!". After correcting him as to what all the fanfare was about he finally rounded the corner and laid his eyes on his basket. New books, bubbles, and some Thomas bathtub toys. He loved it. We later went to church where Steven & I helped out in Matt's Sunday school class and then worked in the infant's room during the worship service. Boy, did we see some spectacular Easter outfits. Parents go all out with their little ones; my favorite had to be the full on tie that this kid in Matt's class had on. The kid knew he looked sharp. After church, the troops all descended on us for lunch. We had Steven's parents, Tim & Pam, Bryan & Sarah & girls, Sarah's parents, and Zach & Joy & Ava. We all enjoyed some ham and numerous tasty side dishes. I like Steven's shiny head in that aerial view. Aww. After the little ones napped it was time for the hunt. Matt basically went straight from the bed to the backyard with barely a moment to slap his shoes on him. All three girls darted out into the grass like professionals collecting eggs as fast as their little legs could carry them. Matthew watched them in awe and slowly made his way onto the lawn while we're all urging him, "Matthew look over there! Look right here, there's an egg...pick it up!!" I had to take him by the hand to get him to his first egg, and once he picked it up he wanted to open it and just stand there and eat its contents. Never mind searching for more eggs. At this point Caroline & Mary Claire had nearly filled their massive baskets and Ava was on her second basket. I just knew that's what he'd do. With help, he got a few more, and each time he just wanted to stop and open it and eat what was inside. He wasn't too excited about the ones containing pennies or nickels nor in filling his basket up. One day.

Our little family:

Our big family:
Looks like the Easter bunny gave Mary Claire some lipstick. And Bryan some facial hair.
Happy Birthday Zach! His birthday was actually Friday, but we just got around to giving him his PS3. Good times.
Later, the kids ran-sacked Matt's room and had a grand time playing with the parts to the tunnel.

Today, we have recovered from all the fun. Matt indulged in a 3 hour nap. Myself, I raided our leftover desserts and ridiculously vast collection of Easter candy. What a great day!


Sara Carolina said...

can i come over for dessert and easter candy?

jamas said...

Mason still isn't interested in finding eggs either. Like Matt, all he wants to do is open them up and eat the candy as soon as he finds them.

Holly said...

Brooke did the same thing with the eggs...I think, with lots of coaxing, she finally got a total of SIX. Delayed's not on the developmental checklist, right?