Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Tiny Angel Sings

Last night I attended Mary Claire's preschool Christmas program. I was in charge of preserving the night's memories with our video camera. Sadly, we got there way too late to get a prime seat for video recording, but I did by best to find Mary Claire between all the bobbing heads in front of me. Mary Claire was an angel; white robe and gold, sparkly halo. The best was watching her play with her hair and stuff her arms inside her robe before it began. Once the music started she sang along with every word and joined in on all the hand motions. It was so cute. I tried to keep my eye on Caroline who was beside me on the edge of her seat at full attention trying to mouth all the words. Mary Claire did a fantastic job and I'm so glad that I got to be there to see her. She was definitely proud of herself, and on the way home she was teaching Caroline all the songs. Here's our pizza dinner prior to the show: And somehow I neglected to include photos from Tyler's birthday last weekend...not sure how I forgot because Matthew had a blast and is still singing Tyler happy birthday everyday. Tyler got some awesome birthday balloons that all the kids enjoyed. Matthew kept trying to steer them toward the fan, naughty boy.
He also was very interested in Tyler's presents. I find it funny because on his birthday he didn't pay attention to the gift opening hardly at all. He really wanted to see what Tyler was getting; he kept pulling out tissue paper from bags and handing John more gifts to open.

Tyler seemed to be unsure about the happy birthday serenade at first, but he definitely warmed up to the idea of cake.

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