This action packed week has flown by! Tuesday Joy & I paid a visit to Alicia and her two boys. Baby Ryan is SO cute and is obviously doing his best to maintain and enhance his chubby cheeks. I think Tyler was relieved to have some company, and Matt & Ava did a nice job of going through ALL of his many, many toys and books. This was the first time in many months though that Matt didn't go in to full-on crying hysterics when I held the baby. He didn't seem to care at all. I wonder what changed his mind?
Wednesday Joy and I had a marathon shopping day. Our sweet husbands watched the kids while we hit the streets trying to put a good dent in our Christmas shopping lists. And what shopping trip would be complete without running into John Hampton in the mall of all places in the middle of a work day? It was crazy. Joy & I had some great success and got a lot accomplished. I really have very little shopping left to do, hooray!!!
Wednesday was also Pam's 30-something birthday. She keeps saying that she's almost 40 which is totally untrue. Unless she really needs this many years to prep for that major milestone, I don't know! We had a lovely night at China Town with Tim, Pam, and the Reners. And it was my first time to try sushi! Unbelievable, no? Well, my husband was never excited to try it so somehow I never did either but have always wanted to. We sat at the bar and had some yummy appetizers and bevs and then transitioned to our table. Joy and Steven ended up sharing some Chinese while the rest of us enjoyed the sushi. Although, I will say that there at the end Steven got brave and tried some tuna and didn't even have to spit it in his napkin. I was so proud of him! We came back to our house where Joyce was watching our sleeping children and watched Pam open all her loot. I'm most envious of her genuine Fiestaware colander. You can only get those things on Ebay, and that's exactly how Joyce found it. It's awesome. It was an enjoyable evening, and I think we helped celebrate Pam's birthday in style.
Yesterday morning was the conclusion to my Bible study that's been meeting every week for the entire fall. It was a brunch with different speakers from the church, a share time, singing, and a re-enactment of the nativity scene by all the kids. I was told weeks prior that Matt was going to be a sheep and that he would be in the program too even though he's just barely 2.
This was amusing to me. I was then told that we could invite anyone we wanted to join us on the day of the brunch. I told our family and friends and everyone wanted to come see Matt's sheep performance. So, Steven & I, Ken & Joyce, Pam, Zach & Joy all took up a table. When it was finally time for the children to file in I watched as all the parents and family members in attendance rose to their feet and jockeyed for position as a strange hush fell over the crowd and the kids took their spots. You can see that Matthew was labeled a lamb. I think it's hilarious that they slapped a piece of paper on their fronts. Matthew sat down quietly and sat still for a few seconds. His eyes scanned all around him and then he spotted our table with cameras flashing and adoring, excited smiles. He saw Zach & Joy and said, "Ava??" Ava was back in the child-care room still.
Then it was, "Mommy??" His face began to wrinkle up and turn red as he sat there most likely wondering why a table full of his favorite people were just sitting there staring at him and not rushing over to get him. He was getting visibly upset, so one of the workers grabbed him and brought him over to me. He was to the point where he could hardly catch his breath he was so upset, so he sat in my lap sucking his thumb until he calmed down. The music part of the program began and I asked him if he wanted to get down and show us his dance moves and he quickly shook his head and said no. Once it was over he was whisked back to child-care quite unhappily. The sequence of events went down pretty much as I expected them to. I figured that once he spotted us he'd freak, and that is basically what happened. It was still fun to watch though. Maybe next year he'll be promoted to a donkey!
This afternoon Matt & I will be headed to HEB yet again, and then after Steven gets home we're going to finally get our Christmas tree!!! Yay!!! Can't wait to see how Matt reacts to the ornaments this year. Complete destruction I predict.
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