Matthew LOVES the Christmas tree. He likes to point out all the gingerbread men, snowmen and stockings that he sees. He also likes to find the Pooh and Piglet ornaments and squeal with delight. When the tree first went up he was really not interested in touching it. But now he's taken to putting his little fingers on the glass ornaments and sort of petting them. He knows he shouldn't do it because the entire time he has this devilish look on his face that's hilariously cute. However, it was not so cute when I was taking a shower the other day and a little arm pulled the curtain back and thrust a red ornament at me. He didn't say anything which is odd. I was expecting an uh-oh or something...but no words came; just wide eyes. I asked him to go put it back and he toddled off only to return seconds later still with the ornament in his hands. He thrust it at me again and said, "Mommy hold it." Alright, fine. So I guess I'll shower with an ornament, whatever. Another time while I was getting dressed recently (are we seeing a pattern here for misbehavior while I'm busy??) Matt came running up to me and said, "Uh-oh Jesus!!" while pointing in the direction of the other room. Curious, I followed his lead into the living room where he said, "Jesus fall down." There on the floor was baby Jesus and a donkey from my wooden nativity scene display. I think it's funny that he tattled on himself.

And then here is Matt brushing his hair right after his bath before church yesterday morning. He loves to climb up on his step stool which he calls "beeg seps" (big steps) and admire himself in the mirror and make silly faces while conversing with his reflection.
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