Let it be known that Matthew was more than hesitant about the pool at the beginning of baby pool season this year. I dipped his chubby little toes in the frigid water and he released screams of a caliber I hadn't heard in many, many months. Now, Matt has fully embraced all the fun & games that is the baby pool. We had a lovely evening at the Rener's home last night, and you can see that Matt & Ava had a gay old time dumping water on each other's heads and splashing around. It kind of looks like a wrestling match; I mean, look at that hold Ava has on him! They both really seemed to enjoy having large buckets of water emptied on top of them and then gasping for air. Finally worn out, there was a request for towels where we then came in and chowed down on some chips & queso. Excellent post-swimming fare!
Earlier this week Matt & I made a super-fast visit to Katy to see Poppi (my dad), and Matthew just couldn't get enough of him. He wouldn't let me hold him and nor would he even take a couple bites of his dinner because he wanted to play with his Poppi. My dad left early for work the next morning and Matthew was asking for Poppi while he was still in his pack & play right after he woke up. He searched the whole house for him...arms up in the air in questioning motion, "Pappa??"...it was pretty cute.
Since we were in Katy we (or I should say I) wanted to take advantage of Katy Mills being so close, so we made a brief stop there before heading home. Ann Taylor was having a HUGE sale and I of course found some things I needed to try on so Matt & I set about finding a nice, large fitting room. I thought I was being clever by situating the stroller right square in front of the door. Well, it worked for a few minutes. He entertained himself by playing peek-a-boo in the mirror (where's Ma-moo??), trying on my sunglasses and grinning at himself, and pushing the stroller around. That all quickly got old, and once he moved the stroller and saw the escape route was gloriously open he seized the opportunity. Out he crawled as I'm frantically calling, "Matthew!! Get back here! Mommy needs your help!" If I ask for his help he usually comes running so I thought it might work, but I really can dress myself I promise. It did, and he maneuvered his way back into the dressing room. I finished up, and just as I was about to be completely dressed he made another escape. Thankfully, the kind saleswoman was there to halt his progress. It was quite an experience, and now I know why I waited until now to try on clothes with Matt in tow. However, I did get some cool clothes out of it!
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