Monday, July 9, 2007

It's the Simple Things in Life

Steven & I often wonder why we bother buying toys for Matthew. He enjoys them to an extent, but when you hand him an empty milk carton or pickle jar his eyes light up and he's mesmerized all morning or afternoon. It's really pretty funny. A lot of times when he's begging for crackers he's not necessarily interested in eating them, he'd really rather play with the box and point at things in the pictures. We wonder if he's just really fascinated with the artwork on the labels or if he's excited to finally get his hands on the things we usually tell him he can't touch, but either way there's no escaping the fact that he's in heaven with an empty coffeemate container.

Another funny behavior of our son is his fixation with looking at pictures on the computer. Steven has put together a large folder of hundreds of pictures from the span of Matt's lifetime that serves as a highly entertaining slide show for the young man. He also loves looking at everyone's blogs, namely Joshua Brown's. He calls him "Sha-Sha", and is usually climbing up on the desk so he can poke at his picture on the screen. So, if the computer is on we're usually committed to looking at pictures for a long, long time. Until mommy says, bye-bye pictures! I think I've got that whole slide show line up memorized. The kid is addicted.
As you can see, Moses made another cameo appearance. He's such a camera hog. Really, he just likes to be anywhere Matthew and I are. He loves that boy.

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