Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anyone Know a Good Barber?

I got brave today and decided to cut Matthew's hair. Now, I've done this a few times before (I've never taken him anywhere to get his hair cut...yet) and I always dread it. Early on he didn't seem to mind it too much, but as the months have gone by he's decided it's rather distasteful. You can see by that photo that I have obviously put off this chore for longer than I should have because my child's head looks 50% larger with that bouffant of hair. He was starting to look a little disproportionate I thought.

Our customary method is to lock ourselves in the bathroom, strip down Matt, and I chase him around with a sharp pair of scissors while he distracts himself with various bathroom accoutrements. I'm squatting trying to delicately maneuver around those little ears while he's dashing from the drawer full of soap and toothpaste to the toilet and the trash can. It really must look hilarious. The first few minutes are fine, but once the novelty of playing with the ear thermometer wears off and piles of hair start forming on the floor and he starts to notice what I'm doing he puts on a very worried look. And then usually some cut hairs find their way into his eyes and nose and he commences to rubbing them and sneezing and complaining. I got mostly least enough to where there weren't large, gaping holes on his head and he didn't look completely foolish at church this morning. I hope to finish it up tomorrow if my pupil is willing. He enjoyed the cleanup though. Pushing the swiffer around is always a favorite. As you can see, his hair no longer cascades over his collar in the back anymore. Whew!

I think Matt has a crush on the Luby's girl. No kidding. One day I got out that cookbook and Matthew started giggling uncontrollably and doing his little run in place jig. I was dying. I agreed with him that it was a very cute little girl on the front of the book, and he started saying "gool!, gool!" and laughing hysterically. So, yesterday he stumbled up to my cookbook collection and started asking about the "gool" and so I got it out for him look at. More giggle fits, and so I had to take a picture. You know, that Luby's cookbook has gone from being a Christmas gag gift (thanks, Pam!!!) to an excellent resource for delicious meals and most surprisingly, eye candy for my son.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Ava's jealous of the Luby's girl.