William Henry is quite a piece of work these days. I have a bit of a skewed view of this little man. He is so petite and small and is still not walking so in many ways I still feel like he's a little baby. But, the reality is that he just turned 15 months and is every bit of a toddler without the toddling aspect. He may still be wearing infant clothing and is refusing to walk, but he acts along the lines of a 2 year old.

For a good week or so he was refusing any forms of breakfast. Until I made Matt a bowl of oatmeal. He wanted it. So since then he has demanded a bowl of oatmeal first thing upon waking. I can't put the boy down until I have a steaming bowl of it otherwise he screams. So, he sits on my hip as I make the coffee all the while grabbing at whatever he can. Once the bowl emerges from the microwave he can't wait for it to cool down. I add milk to it so it stops steaming, but it's still hot. He's not waiting. Big, huge tears if you delay. Then he's in the high chair and he devours the whole bowl.

I let him try out the sand box for the first time the other day. He loved it. Hopefully this will bode well for the beach in a few weeks!
Will also loves to try and put on clothes. It's hilarious to watch. Yesterday I was going through his closet and putting away clothes that are miraculously too small for him, and he grabbed two onesies and played with them for a good half hour. He tried to put them over his head, he tried to put them on his feet and then he rolled around with them on the floor laughing at himself. So silly. I tried to take them away at one point and he immediately melted into tears. He tries to put just about any object on his feet as a shoe. When he gets the plastic bowls out in the kitchen he holds them over his feet. It's so cute.

Will loves to play in his bed and has taken to throwing his blanket over the rails lately. He doesn't cry for it, thankfully. He hasn't attached to it (yet) like Matt is to his. He gets so excited to feel his little legs walking only if he's pushing something (car, dump truck, bike, laundry basket, chair, or anything at all) or if you hold his hands for few steps. His face just lights up, but yet he won't just bite the bullet and walk. One of his favorite activities is to play on Matthew's bed with him. He buries his head in the pillows and blankets and then rolls over and giggles hysterically. He's still hot on Matthew's trail which is either much to Matt's delight or his frustration depending on the moment. It's fascinating to watch their sibling dynamic develop.

He's a delightful little boy. He's like Matthew in some ways but in many ways is not. He's a whole other adventure that brings me joy everyday. I love that little Will.
1 comment:
Awesome. Thanks for the cute post, I feel like I know little Will a wee bit better now. He is looking more and more like you everyday, Tricia! And, it excited me greatly to read..."beach in a few weeks." Bring it on!!!!!
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