Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sibling Dynamics

The kids are so funny these days. And busy. It's been really interesting watching them play together and interact. Most of the time they play together nicely. But then there are times when Matt has had his fill. It usually comes out in some kind of passive-agressive manner but at other times it is blatantly mean. I was told that one day while we were at the gym Will was playing at the bottom of the slide and Matt made a bee-line from clear across the other end of the playscape so he could then slide into Will and knock him over. But then minutes later he'll say, "I love William, Momma. He's my funny little baby brother." When we're outside Matt likes to ride circles around Will in his trike. Will stares at him in amazement and then lunges for him as he zooms by. He's dying to be able to do the same thing.
Here, the dishwasher was clean I promise. And empty. Tons of fun for those two.
I love this picture. Will's body is SO cute! Those short little legs, big belly, and mullet hair flapping over his ears. All while chewing on his shoe.
Look at this proud daddy! Henry Augustus was born this morning at 9:55 weighing 7 lb., 11 oz. and was 20 in. We made a quick trip to visit them before Steven had to go to work and we had to pick up Matt from school so I haven't gotten my hands on him yet. We'll go back tomorrow. He is adorable; I see a couple similarities to Ava but Henry is looking like his own guy. Everyone is doing great. We're so happy for the Reners!

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