How can it be that my sweet little baby is one year old already? It's strange because it feels like the year has flown by but it also feels like William has always been with us. His birthday was actually Sunday the 24th but we had his party the day before. It was a really nice gathering of friends and family. Thundercloud Subs made some awesome sandwich trays for us (sad you missed out, aren't you Alison?) and then we enjoyed some cupcakes in celebration of little William.
Will wasn't sure what to do with all the attention. He crawled here and there checking on what the bigger kids were doing and then also enjoyed being held. When we sang happy birthday to him he stared at everyone in wonderment. Matt later asked me why I had to help him blow out his candle. Maybe he thought I cheated Will out of his b'day wish by blowing it out for him. I don't know, but I do know that Will liked his cupcake. He shoveled it in until there was nothing but a bunch of sad little cake crumbs on his tray.
Since it was a lovely day we headed outside to open gifts. Will wasn't interested in the opening so much. Not that he had a chance with all the other kids fighting to "help" him open them all. Those kids were tearing into them so fast I had no idea what went with what or who they were from, it was a mess. You can barely even see Will in this mix.
I know, how could that baby cry on his birthday??? He doesn't like his nose wiped, that's why.
I'm pretty sure Will had a great birthday. I am so thankful for that boy. What a joy he is. I can't wait to see how much he grows and changes in this next year. Speaking of growth, at his 12 month well check this week he is weighing in at 16 lb. 9 oz. and measuring 25.5 in. He's still off the charts but is staying on his own curve he's created. My teeny tiny baby man!
Sunday afternoon I had the pleasure of helping host a shower for Joy & Katy who are both due to have their little boys quite soon. It was a great party and both those ladies got some serious loot. They should be all set! And that is the point of a shower, is it not? It was great to see everyone and get excited about these babies!
There were several little girls there as well. They were so well behaved and such a big help to their mommies ( & Aunts!). But, I just laugh at the thought of having Matthew at a baby shower. It would have been a totally different experience!
Ummmm, is that Thundercloud I see in the picture???? Dude. I knew I would miss a good party, but I didn't know I would miss THUNDERCLOUD!!! And those cupcakes are adorable! I can't make a cupcake to save my life. Way to go, Tricia!!!
I can't believe Willis is 1!! That boy is all Jones...staring at the ceiling while eating a tray full of cake! He was dreaming of rockets, or Star Wars, or maybe comic books! Miss y'all,
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