Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NW Pool

Last week was Will's first time in the pool. I had purchased a swimsuit for him, but when I held it up to him I saw that there was no way it would stay on his tiny little body. So, he sported just a swim diaper. And as you can see, it nearly goes up to his armpits. Awww. But, it did the trick. He's too small for any floatation devices, but he enjoyed being held and splashing around. And having his brother all up in his face. In other news, William has started scooting around in his bed. I find him in all sorts of interesting positions. He's the roly-polyest little baby. He gets up on his knees now and wiggles around. I wouldn't be surprised if he crawls before he sits up. Although, he's getting pretty good at that, too. He's wee but determined.And Matthew. What a silly boy he is. His latest obsessions are calendars and months and seasons and what happens during each month. He keeps asking people when their birthdays are and how old they're going to be. Not the best question for some. He's also heavy into spelling words. He's got a lot of words memorized and recognizes them in books and anywhere else he sees them. So, he spends a lot of time with his refrigerator alphabet magnets. And then the clock. He worries about time already and he's only 3! His bedtime of late is 8:15, and he gets upset if he misses seeing those numbers on the clock before we put him to bed. All day long it's, "Hey Mommy when's it gonna be 4:15?" or "Where is 6:30?" What do you mean where? That doesn't even make sense! So, definitely some fun dialogue going on around here. He's a sweet one. The other day I tucked him into bed and told him I loved him and he said so sweetly, "oh Mommy, I love you too." My heart just melted. For some of you whose children say I love you all the time this may come as no big deal to you, but I almost NEVER hear my son say those words--so when I do it gets me. He told me today he loves his baby brother too. But then as Will grabbed onto Matt's hair he leaped to the other end of the couch. Love at a distance I suppose.

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