Monday, July 27, 2009


Our visit to Jacksonville was nice and relaxing. Steven would probably say that he didn't get to fish enough, but if he had his way he'd fish 24/7. It was cooler there, too, somehow. Not nearly as stifling hot as we're used to here. After the long, and I do mean long, drive to get there Matt was so excited to see his grandparents and find out what kind of snacks Grandma had for him. She later unveiled the awesome surprise she had for him...a bigwheel! Boy, it had all the bells and whistles too.Saturday we were able to see our friends the Prewitts and meet their sweet new baby girl, Anslee. What a doll she is. Matt & Mason had a blast playing together. They went upstairs in the playroom and we didn't see them for a couple hours--but we could sure enough hear them. Little Will slept through all of that somehow.Saturday afternoon, some more of Steven's family came over from Nacogdoches and we enjoyed visiting with them and having dinner. Matt made his Grandma proud and showed off to the new, adoring audience.It was a great weekend if you leave out the part about Matt not wanting to use ANY of their toilets there. Talk about a fit of grand proportion. The boy held his water for nearly 12 hours the first day because he flat out refused to go on the potty. Long story short, after a knock-down drag out fight he finally went on Friday evening. Prior to that the trees outside were getting a special hose-down. After finally performing Matt came triumphantly down the stairs and proclaimed, "I went pee-pee! I'm not scared of Grandma's potty anymore!" Whew. And really, that was the first time he's been on a potty other than his own at home. Let's hope this is the beginning of a new chapter for young Matthew.Today was Will's first experience with rice cereal. Reminiscent of his brother, he was not too fond of it. He preferred his thumb. He has no idea what the spoon is for or that he should open his mouth when it approaches. We'll keep practicing!

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