Sunday, May 31, 2009


We headed out to camp again with the Reners on Friday. The weather was warm and beautiful, so it made for some good swimming. Matt took to the water a little better this time. It might have been because I got in with him this time. We created a nice little inner-tube nest for Will to sleep in there at the dock.The kids did a great job of entertaining themselves for the most part. At one point they got out all the floats and noodles from the storage shed and made what Ava called a "rainbow festival." It was amusing. The men fished and had a good time. We ate a lovely dinner of smoked sausage, and then the kids wanted to be tossed around in the hammock.Will & Uncle Zach:I think we all slept pretty well in the camper that night. Saturday was nice. Matt was a cranky mess all day--frankly, it was due to the fact that he hadn't gone #2 in nearly 6 days (since the on-set of potty training). More on that later. He did swim some, and he did a lot of snacking.After lunch Matt was completely unraveling, so we packed up and headed home. We were in the car all of 5 minutes and Matt was asleep. He never falls asleep in the car anymore. Steven put him in bed when we got home, and he slept until I woke him up at 5. We had a great time. We went to church this morning and now the boys are both catching up on some much needed sleep. I think we might be headed for a sno-cone this afternoon for our little potty trainer who's doing so well. Hey, it's a reward for me, too!

1 comment:

Alison said...

Snow Cones!!!! I wish you could send me one in the mail. Way to go, Matt!