Saturday, May 23, 2009

Who's wrestling who?

We've had a nice week. It's gone by fast. This was Matt's last week of preschool until August. Boo. We will both miss it. Wednesday evening we met up with Alison and Josh at a local ice cream place that has a playground. They were on their way to the beach and had a stop-over in Austin, so we got together for the evening. Matt had vanilla ice cream with gummy bears. I thought I might get to share a few bites with him, but he ate nearly all of it. Not sure what I was thinking. We also hit up the pool again this week, but this time Grandpa joined us and I was actually able to get in the water. It was chilly, but Matt loved it once again. We've enjoyed time with Steven's parents, and Matthew has had no shortage of attention. Will either, really.Matt is finally getting the hang of pedaling. And steering. Granted, both skills still need some work, but he's made huge progress. He's just not that excited about it. He'd rather have me or Steven draw road signs on the ground with chalk. Or listen to a cd outside. What are you looking at giraffe?? Little Will is growing up. He'll be 4 months old tomorrow! He's still rolling over from tummy to back but not the reverse yet. This week he just found his feet and is now grabbing at them all the time. He really focuses on his hands and likes to suck on them. He's found his thumb and really likes it. When I put him to bed at night he immediately sticks that little thumb in his's adorable. Speaking of bed, he's sleeping beautifully through the night from 8 to 8 or 9 to 9...basically 12 hours from whenever he gets to bed. So nice! He's also cutting a tooth! He's been working on it for a few weeks now. It's his top left incisor; I already feel the point of it breaking through his gums. Ouch. Therefore, he's soaked in drool. He's still giggling and smiling though. He goes in for his 4 month check up in early June.
Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!

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