We've had a lot going on the past few days...where to start? Friday morning Joy hosted a delightful little playgroup at her house and Matt got to swim and play with his friends. And that may have been the most I've ever seen him splash and jump around with such enthusiasm and pure glee. It was awesome.

That afternoon he slept for 3 hours. Aaaahhhh.

Saturday morning Matt & I loaded up and drove to Houston. The car ride was pretty good until Matt dropped his blanket and got mad that I couldn't reach it and wouldn't pull over. Is that mean? We were only like 20 minutes away and I didn't want to pull off the highway just so I could throw him his "silly ol' B" as he calls it. We got to my dad & Ann's house and after lunch Matt took a very uncharacteristically short nap because he was so excited about his day. That afternoon we went to our friends Bret & Sara's daughter's 3rd birthday party. Matthew loves Isa and has been talking about this party since we got the invite in the mail.

Matt of course had a great time at the party. Most of the kids there he didn't know, but he still enjoyed splashing around, swinging on the swing set and watching the big kids go down the water slide. Isa showed Matt her Elmo tattoo that she had chosen to place on her belly. That's a good place, right? Sara brought out some small, battery operated fans that had spray bottles full of icy water in them to keep us cool in the blazing heat. Matt immediately grabbed it from me and listened to my instruction to not poke his fingers in the fan blades for all of 1 minute. There was no stopping him. Apparently it didn't hurt because he kept poking his little finger in there. He played with that thing for a long time.

There was this ride on car that was sitting on a short roller coaster-esque type track that Matt just loved. He only took a couple bites of cake because he wanted to ride that thing over and over again. That cake was awesome I must say. Isa made a wise choice with the chocolate. I love her big Elton John happy birthday sunglasses that she wore for the duration of the party. I find it fascinating since my child can't stand glasses or hats of any kind.

Perhaps my favorite activity of the day was beating up on the princess pinata. Matt did a great job swinging at the thing. He'd take a swing and turn and giggle at everyone and then swing again. 
So, I was at the gym today and I had to make a few adjustments on my elliptical trainer. Not only did I have to account for my slowly blossoming weight gain but I also had to bump up my age to 30. Thus far I haven't been upset by turning 30. To me it still seems really young. God willing, I still have a lot of life left to live and I feel that I'm really just starting to get to the good stuff. I think the privilege of getting older is really an awesome thing--with age comes wisdom and a different outlook on life. God is teaching me so much and I look forward to all that He has in store for me. The good and the bad.
I had a great birthday party on Sunday, but I think I'll save that run-down for another blog.
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