Friday, August 8, 2008

Bubbles & Chuck

I think Matt enjoys bathtime with his daddy more than with me. Steven actually puts his feet in the tub and subjects himself to all manner of wetness, and his latest act is "bubble beard". I can't compete with that! Matt asks Steven to wear a bubble beard, and then Steven asks, "don't you want to be bubble brothers?" Matt then usually refuses the application of bubbles to his own face and instead attempts to swim away from his father. Water everywhere.

On Wednesday we went with Joy and Ava to Matt's all-time favorite place of entertainment, Chuck E. Cheese. CEC's has reached nearly cult status with Matt; he waves at it when we pass it by on our way to the gym, he recalls with fondness his visits there with Ava and with Poppi & Ann, he treasures the small, cheap toys he "won" there on prior visits, and he always asks me to draw Chuck E. Cheese on his magna-doodle. It's on his mind a lot, and he's been there twice.
Joy had some coupons to use up and so we thought well why the heck not just go? The kids were excited to say the least. Ava ran from one game to the other while Matt would find a game and nearly spend his whole stash of tokens playing it over and over. Our pizza came and it wasn't half bad--maybe we were just starving since we'd just left the gym! Once Matt polished off a piece & chased it down with copious amounts of pink lemonade he set his sights on the playscape. When we were there last November I had to help Matt climb his way up because he was too short to hike a leg up and pull his way up. This time he figured out how to use the netting on the sides to hitch himself up there. It was impressive; he looked like Spiderman! He quickly climbed his way to the top and shouted, "I did it!!!" and then crawled his way through the tunnels until he found the slide. He paired up with another little boy his age and they giggled and crawled up that thing until I lost count. Sweaty, Matt finally took a break and ran to the game that was positioned directly next to the playscape. He grabbed the gun and pretended to shoot at the screen and then backed up a couple steps. "I go poo-poo." I see why you stopped your climbing! So that was fun.
We continued to play until all our tokens were spent, and Matt took a few more trips up into the playscape. That was by far his favorite part. Joy convinced Ava to climb up there with Matt, and once she finally made it up there they had a blast. They looked out this one little window in the tunnel and were watching the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese and just laughing it up. We cashed in all our tickets and Matt got to pick out more cool prizes which he now has lined up on his garage for some reason. It was a great time had by all, and an exhausting one; Matt took a lovely 3 hour nap that afternoon.
Today we are headed to Jacksonville for the weekend to visit Steven's folks. It's definitely been awhile so we're looking forward to it!

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