This is my mother holding Matthew the day he was born. What a joyous day that was! I became a mother for the first time and laid eyes on my beautiful son, and my mother was well enough to be there to witness the 9 lb. beast and to offer her wisdom, support and love. She is at home with the Lord now, but I am so thankful that He allowed her to stay here long enough to see her grandson be born. I am thankful, too, for the happy, godly, loving home that I was raised in and for a mother that I desperately love and model myself after. I miss her generous smile and laugh most of all; sights and sounds that I was so used to, but they are crystal clear in my memory. All those sweet years we had together I treasure, but I know one day in God's glorious kingdom we'll have an infinite number of days to laugh together. But now that I am a mother I feel more and more connected to her (and notice many of her mannerisms in myself!) as all the stories she used to share with me about my early childhood and her early motherhood come to mind. Oh how I miss her.
Enough tears! On to some exciting and life-changing news. Caroline made a profession of faith on Easter Sunday and followed in believer's baptism yesterday. My brother was baptized on Mother's Day when he was 9. Caroline did a great job and looked like such a big girl up there! Lots of family came in town to celebrate with her, and we all had a delicious lunch out at Bryan & Sarah's after church. It was a beautiful day and the absolute perfect weather to be outside so we all took advantage. I admit I got a bit of a sunburn...especially since I was so shockingly white to begin with. Ugh. Here are the girls on the swing. Moments later, Ava loosened her grip and fell to the ground. Thankfully, Uncle Bryan was there to soften her fall. Matthew slept through most of the action. That was one sleepy boy. Mary Claire dragged out her huge box of barbies and princess dolls and mermaids out onto the porch, so Dad & Ann got roped into that. It was cute. Matt finally woke up and immediately commenced to playing in the sand box with the girls. And then it was straight to snack time.
Enough tears! On to some exciting and life-changing news. Caroline made a profession of faith on Easter Sunday and followed in believer's baptism yesterday. My brother was baptized on Mother's Day when he was 9. Caroline did a great job and looked like such a big girl up there! Lots of family came in town to celebrate with her, and we all had a delicious lunch out at Bryan & Sarah's after church. It was a beautiful day and the absolute perfect weather to be outside so we all took advantage. I admit I got a bit of a sunburn...especially since I was so shockingly white to begin with. Ugh. Here are the girls on the swing. Moments later, Ava loosened her grip and fell to the ground. Thankfully, Uncle Bryan was there to soften her fall. Matthew slept through most of the action. That was one sleepy boy. Mary Claire dragged out her huge box of barbies and princess dolls and mermaids out onto the porch, so Dad & Ann got roped into that. It was cute. Matt finally woke up and immediately commenced to playing in the sand box with the girls. And then it was straight to snack time.
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