Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let's catch up

I finally uploaded some pictures with Tim's help, yay!!! So this is Matt the morning we moved out of our house. He was fresh out of the bathtub and ran stark naked for his car and took it for a spin. The dining room was basically emptied so he had fun zooming around in the buff.
Here's a picture from the first day of destruction. It took them a few days to get all that old stuff out of there. I went by yesterday, and the framing for the pocket door in our bathroom was ready and the skylight was in and the guy was working on the copper pipes for our sink. Woo-hoo! It's coming along nicely.
The other day Matt got to swim in Ava's little pool and they tested out new water guns. Here's Matt's post-swimming shot. Steven says that's his linebacker pose. So serious.
A few nights ago the men gathered in Tim & Pam's garage to set to work on the brakes of both our Acura and T&P's. I was amused enough by the sight to snap a picture. Aren't they adorable?

Saturday we drove out to Fredericksburg for the annual Kolb (Steven's Dad's Mom's side of the family) reunion. It was a beautiful day and the house we were at was amazing; it's a restored German farmhouse that really is incredible on the inside and out. And it sits on such gorgeous land. We enjoyed catching up with family members, and Matt loved following all the many little girls that were in attendance. Here's the big family. Thank God for name tags!
Gathering around the reunion scrapbook. There are some really humorous photos of Tim and Steven in there from when they were kids.
Sunday afternoon we headed out to Leander to celebrate Bryan's birthday (which is actually today--Happy Birthday Bryan!!!). They have the world's largest baby pool, and all the kids had a good time swimming in it. I didn't bring Matt's suit, but thankfully Sarah had an old swim diaper for him to wear. Granted, it was a couple sizes too small so his ample rear was peeking out of the sides. I couldn't stop giggling at him. And then he was running to and from the pool with Caroline and Mary Claire and laughing like mad.
Later, Bryan got in the pool and Matt suggested he wear the bucket as a hat. He will hate me for posting this picture, but he knew it would happen. They made us a delicious grilled salmon dinner and pound cake for dessert/birthday cake. It was a lovely evening! Today, we'll be enjoying dinner with Ken & Joyce before they head off to Houston tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

jamas said...

I don't know what is funnier...Brian wearing that "bucket" hat or Matt scratching his rear in the same piture! Ha!!!