Monday, February 25, 2008


With Steven at work on Saturday, Matt & I headed to Zilker park that morning to enjoy the sunshine and company of other little children running wild. Matt was all over the place never committing to one activity for too long. You might miss something else, right? He enjoyed posing on the seal, pretending to drive the big fire truck, the numerous slides, making music, and talking to all the other kids. There was also a kid's birthday party being set up while we were there complete with balloons and Thomas the Train decor. I thought Matt was going to explode with excitement. After corralling him away from the party more times than I care to count, he was finally content to sit on the steps and point to all the Thomas paraphenalia and shout, "Hi birthday party!!!" Hilarious.

We also went down to the water so Matt could see the ducks. I totally forgot to bring some bread to feed them, but Matt was content to throw rocks at them for food. I could barely keep him from launching himself straight into the water. He really wanted to go swim with the ducks. And to his delight we also got to watch a dog play fetch in the water. He was mesmerized.

After a Schlotsky's lunch complete with a yummy cookie, Matt took his first 3 hour nap in weeks. I had to wake him up, too. He's really about to outgrow that bed...but, if I remove the bumper maybe that will buy us a few more months!

Yesterday Matt got to play with Caroline & Mary Claire after church out at their house. While Matt was napping I played Pretty Pretty Princess with the girls. Basically the gist of the game is to collect the most jewels. My favorite moment of the day: once we were all decked out with our earrings, bracelet, ring, necklace & crown Mary Claire took me by the hand to her room. "Okay, now stand in front of the mirror and see how beautiful you look SO pretty." You should have seen the look on her face. Too cute. We had a great weekend and hope you all did too!

1 comment:

jamas said...

2yrs.7mo. and we are still in the crib. I'm not moving the boy until I have to. I say use that thing as long as you can!!! He is a cutie Trish!