Monday, February 18, 2008

Cold Rain & Warm Sun

Our weekend was pretty non-eventful, which was nice! The rain on Fri. and Sat. hindered our outdoor activities somewhat, but Matt seemed to make the most out of it. He loved watching the rain out on the back porch and then decided it was time to see what it felt like. He walked out into it and giggled. He then went and retrieved his lawn mower and proceeded to mow all the concrete and then certain strips of the grass and rocks. It was serious work. After a wagon ride, we came in for the evening. Due to the gloomy weather, Moses got some extra exercising from Matt. The cat has really been a jerk lately, so when Matt pulls his tail it's sometimes hard for me to conjure up enough nice feelings about the bad kitty to want to stick up for him.

After church and a nap on Sunday we headed to Ava's house. It was beautiful outside so we all walked to the park and watched the kids run around. Matt never stays in one place too long, but then he's also always worried about where Ava is. We enjoyed talking to other small children, watching dogs run around, snacking, and watching Steven, Tim & Zach all sit/stand around cross-armed discussing politics & other yawn-inducing topics. I swear they could on all day. And so could those kids. But, after mentioning dinner and playing with Ava's toys they were ready to plop back down in their strollers. Taco Cabana hit the spot.

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