Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is Matthew holding an empty box of frozen waffles and looking at pictures on the computer. He's been feeling a little, shall we say, under the weather lately. He had a fever off and on all day yesterday and again today. Couple that with a nose like a faucet, and you've got one pitiful & miserable little boy. Since Wed. was Steven's day off I took advantage and ran a few errands while Matt was napping. I came home to a completely silent house. On the couch was Steven with his sweaty, mouth-wide open, sleeping son on his chest. Poor Matthew could hardly get a breath he was so congested. It's unusual for Matt to not want to be in his bed. Steven said he woke up pretty mad at the world and wanted to sleep some more but not in his bed, so he agreed to lay down on the couch with Daddy. It really was cute. I told Steven later that night that I was jealous of the extra snuggles he got with Matt.

Someone was listening, because I got my fill today! Not really, but I sure did hold him more than I have in months & months. He had some energy this morning so I was encouraged that maybe he was going to feel better, but after his nap it was downhill from there. I think I've watched Matt's slideshow of pictures about 100 times, played all the online games that Curious George, Pooh, & Thomas the Train have to offer, read ALL of Matt's books in one sitting, visited everyone's blogs a few times a day, and even put in a Thomas the Train movie for Matt to watch. Anyone who knows Matt will know that he could care less about TV and will not sit still for anything that is displayed on the screen (unless it's him...and then he'll sit for a couple minutes). He actually sat through 10 min. of it this afternoon. I was amazed. He really just liked pointing out the names of all the trains.

Tonight after reading all his books while we were sitting on the couch I noticed that his eyes were slowly getting heavier and he could hardly keep them open. We put on his footies and I asked him if he was ready to go to bed. "Nope." Whimper, whimper. I laid on the couch with him and he was asleep in seconds. I cuddled with him for awhile and then tried to put him in bed. Cries. I went and got him and told him it was time to go to bed, and he said "Mommy...couch" and pointed in the direction of the living room. Ugh. I did finally get him back in bed, and let's hope he sleeps peacefully until morning.

And then here is Matt a couple days ago pulling his Thomas train. He carefully assembled all the parts and turned the music on and then gleefully pulled it along behind him while saying, "C'mere Thomas!!". It's quite a site.

1 comment:

jamas said...

"Hold you mama" used to be one of Mason's favorite things to say...probably still is, just with a little better grammar! Sorry your little guys is sick, we just got over a cold. Thomas makes everything feel better! Ha!