I feel like our house has an air of illness to it. With the weather being unusually warm yesterday and today we can actually open the windows and air this sick-house out. I think Matthew is finally starting to feel more like himself. I've concluded that he had some strain of the flu due to the several days of fever, congestion, lethargy and cough. So after days of holding him, yesterday he was up to playing a little and I think I saw him laugh and smile for the first time since Wed. We even got out of the house and went to the grocery store yesterday! Ah, fresh air. Matt went through his usual routine of pointing out all his favorite HEB items. I was happy to get some food in the house. 
This is us the other day...Matthew had been awake for maybe an hour that morning. He sat in my lap and fell right to sleep. Crazy. Yep, he still insists on the footies. And I've been hanging out in my pj's a lot this week. In a not-so-fun turn of events, it appears that the virus has been passed on to me. Yay. I thought I was going to escape it, but it woke up with me yesterday morning. I am thankful, however, that God kept my health intact while Matt was sick. Maybe Steven will be spared. But then again, he's probably immune since he deals with pharmacy sick people germs all day everyday. We shall see. And now, the couch needs me to go lay on it.
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