Matthew had a great 2nd Halloween. I wasn't sure if he'd tolerate his cape, but Zach grabbed it and tied it around Matt's neck and it worked just fine. Yay! Because really, the cape is the best part.
Matthew posed with Atomic Betty but wasn't too keen on holding her hand. Later, we walked down to one of Zach & Joy's neighbor's houses for a little neighborhood gathering in their backyard. It's always interesting to see what parents pick out for their little ones' costumes. My favorite was probably a little boy who his mom said he was supposed to be dressed as a 70's disco guy, but really looked like a lame rip off of Elvis in the 70's...not to mention the kid refused to wear his wig; go figure! There was also a man there that was dressed as the Man in the Yellow Hat from Curious George, and his son had on a monkey costume. Now, this man had taken the time and effort to spray paint his pants and hat bright yellow (he said it took him 2 nights) and commented that they were somewhat stiff. HA!
I love this picture of the kids on the porch swing holding hands. They're staring into space and could care less that their hands are touching. I love how slouched and relaxed Matt looks and his chubby belly hanging loose. Awesome.We gathered up a group who was ready to go trick or treating and headed up the street back in the direction of the Rener's house. Matthew was so cute, he'd say "trick or treat!" while walking up to a house but not once the door was opened by its owner. So funny. I loved watching him stand there with his bag in hand and reach out for candy and then put it in his bag. He had no idea why strangers were freely giving him candy at their doorsteps. Thankfully, too, he doesn't really know what candy is yet and therefore didn't demand to eat it all evening. It's the last year for that though I'm sure.
We made it back to the Rener's and had some tasty chili dogs and put our exhausted children to bed. Then we played some Halo and rocked out to Guitar Hero III (Tim's b'day gift)...we're such nerds. But, all the kids that came to their door that night made some kind of comment. My favorite was a little girl of probably 8 years old who said, "is that Guitar Hero I or II?" We replied, "III." She said, "oh wow!" and ran back to her parents waiting in the car. You know she was pleading with her parents to get her the new one so she could be cool like us old folks. Ha!
Matt's on another sleeping binge since we got back from Houston. The other day he'd been sleeping for nearly 3 hours and I heard some chit chat coming from his room. I walked in there and it was all quiet. He was laying down with thumb in mouth, and he then looked up at me and said, "No!!" in this terribly pathetic whine while shaking his head. I asked him if he wasn't quite ready to get up and he didn't reply. I walked out of his room and left his door open and went about my business expecting him to call for me any second. Nope. He slept for 30 more minutes. Yesterday he slept for another nearly 3 hours so we didn't even have time to carve our pumpkin! I guess it will function as a decorative pumpkin this year. And, after yesterday's excitement he slept until 8 this morning. So nice. I know it won't last long though because this weekend is the dreaded daylight savings time change. We'll see how we do.
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