Sunday, November 25, 2007


Matthew thoroughly enjoyed helping Ava celebrate her 2nd birthday. Ava's biggest and most emphatic request for her birthday was to go to Chuck E. Cheese, so we joined her there on Wed. afternoon. The kids were equally elated and overwhelmed at the sights, sounds and activities around them. Matt's favorite was skee-ball; he kept climbing on it trying to crawl his way up to the top. He liked throwing the balls too. He also liked the playscape that he was really too little for, but I crawled up in there with him. Sometimes it's good to be 4'8". Ava had great success and was awarded hundreds of tickets which landed her some cool prizes to take home. I loved that she wore her crown the whole time. And that she continued to wear it all throughout the weekend. Hilarious.

We had a very nice Thanksgiving over at the Rener's house with Bryan, Sarah and several other Rener-side family members. There were 2 turkeys (one fried, one roasted), numerous delicious sides, and desserts to complete the food coma. Matt slept through the meal, but enjoyed some turkey later that day. He also enjoyed playing with his cousins and all the other adults there. He ran around the yard, drew on the marker board with Ava, ransacked the play room, and put a good dent in Ava's stash of raisins. Sadly, the stomach bug was passed on to the Moran family and some of them were still recovering from it on Thursday. Mary Claire was wiped out. The rest of us watched football and later laughed at each other as we all attempted Guitar Hero.

Friday was Ava's birthday party! Matt loved all the balloons scattered on the floor and seeing what new toys Ava got. Ava enjoys playing games, so Joy headed up a few little kid games that they all could participate in. Matt didn't grasp the rules of duck, duck, goose and didn't understand that he needed to stay seated until deemed the, he mostly ran around the whole time. He did better with red light, green light though because he had Caroline holding his hand and helping him out. He had a delighted grin on his face the whole time. Ava got a cool new tent for her birthday, and all the kids had fun with it. That's going to provide hours and hours of entertainment. Happy Birthday Ava!!!

Yesterday we helped the Rener's eat some of their massive amount of leftovers and spent the afternoon playing Guitar Hero again. It's addictive, people! Joy's sweet mother and grandmother watched Matt & Ava for us that evening so we could enjoy some shopping at the Domain and a yummy dinner at Carino's. And now I've had so much food this week I feel like I'll never have the need to eat again. And I've got a date with the gym tomorrow. Currently, I'm watching my pitiful fantasy football team crumble under the pressure of the first round of playoffs and anticipating congratulating my foe, Zach. Better luck next year I guess.

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