Wednesday, April 25, 2012


There have been a few changes around here recently.  On the cusp of a tiny baby being brought into our home, our middle child has decided to grow up a little.  I'm really amazed by it all.  At the end of February we bought a new awesome bunk bed for the big boys.  Will transitioned from his crib without a problem.  I think he is thrilled to be able to share a room with Matthew and now have full access to all of his toys.  Matthew is enjoying his roommate, too, and he delights in instructing him when it's time to wake up in the morning.  Steven and I always peek in at them before we go to bed at night, and Will is always in some weird, contorted position sleeping soundly.  These boys are great sleepers, let's pray we are blessed with one more!
The weekend after Easter, Dad & Ann were in town to visit and attend Matt's football game.  They came bearing gifts--a new swimsuit for Matt and new sunglasses and underwear for Will.  Will wasn't too excited about the underwear--he spent his time playing with the sunglasses and the new Lightning McQueen lunchbox they gave him.  Then, that Saturday evening after Dad & Ann had already left to go back home he told me he wanted to wear his underwear.  Really?  I said ok but that meant he had to go sit on the potty.  He complied.  He wore them the rest of the evening--one accident and one potty success.  We started the learning process again the next day after church.  Monday was a replay of what I went through with Matthew when he was learning--I like to call it the runaround.  I could tell Will needed to go #2 but he just wouldn't give in.  He held it all day even though we made about a million trips to the bathroom.  He wouldn't sit there long enough to get the job done; too scared.  Details aside, he finally did it right at dinner time as I was cooking and Steven was at work.  He put up a fight too; after some tears and sweat he looked up and said, "I did it!!!"  And he's done great ever since.  No accidents; even at night time.  It's AMAZING.  So incredibly proud of our Will.
Where does one go to celebrate such incredible potty training success?  Phil's Icehouse of course.  Grandma & Grandpa joined us along with Uncle Tim & Aunt Pam.  We all applauded his success and praised him for what a big boy he is.  I don't think he understood what was happening, but he was thrilled to get to eat french fries for dinner and eat ice cream.
The celebratory dinner was my way of ending the jellybean rewards for each potty success we'd been giving all week.  It worked.  So, we are a diaper-free house for 3 whole weeks!!!!  Will held on till the 9th hour, didn't he?  No matter.  It's better than his big brother; that kid was still in diapers over 3 months after I brought Will home from the hospital.  Stubborn I tell you.  Will's pants are really falling down now without that diaper.  His tush is so small, but it sure looks cute in those underwear.

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