Friday, January 27, 2012


This morning the boys both had well check appointments at the pediatrician's. Matthew weighed in at 49 lbs. and is measuring 46 in. tall. He's in the 75th %ile for both weight and height. He answered the questions Dr. Brown asked of him and then was also very vocal in answering for his little brother.
William, delighted to get to stand on the big scale just like his big brother, weighed in at 25 lbs. and measured 32 in. tall. He's in the 10th %ile for weight and remains off the chart for height. He continues to stay on his own curve, and the Dr. was pleased with his weight and height gains over the past year. Will gladly told Dr. Brown that he does not go potty...he said, "no, I don't have to." Mmmhmm, your days are numbered, kid.
Both boys performed admirably, and no shots were needed for either of them today, so it was an easy visit. I am more than grateful for growing, healthy children!

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