Matthew Thomas,
You have reached a major milestone, my sweet boy. You have entered kindergarten! As your mother I am feeling a myriad of emotions in reaction to this. I am amazed and so proud of the boy that you have become. You are kind and fun and silly. You make friends with great ease. I am excited to see the new friends that you make, and I am impressed with how many names you already know of your 22 other classmates. It helps that you can read their nametags. You smart boy, you! Monday morning you came into our room at 6:30 on the nose and said you were ready to go and urged us to get out of bed. We did, and you ate breakfast and got dressed. All 4 of us went for the first drop-off. You looked so cute with that huge backpack on your shoulders, and you complained when I had taken one too many photos for your liking. Daddy stood back and held Will while I waited with you in line to file into your classroom. You smiled really big and gave me an awkward hug and kiss and marched on in and found your seat. I was fine until I turned around and saw your father standing there with tears (yes, tears!!!) rolling down his face. That was a sweet, tender moment. You see Matthew, you're only 5 and just beginning grade school, but we feel already like you're growing up too fast. And while you haven't left us for good, we know that this is the beginning of your separation from us. It is healthy and necessary, but painful for your parents who sometimes feel like you are still our chubby little Mattmoo toddling around stacking empty food containers.

That afternoon Will & I were there to pick you up. We were drenched in sweat waiting outside in the 105 degree heat (this heat has made me super cranky--I'm SO over it!!) and I questioned why I bothered showering. Then I saw you file out in a nice line with your classmates and teacher and I got all misty-eyed again! You made it! You did it! You survived your first day. I swallowed back the tears which was a little easier after you triumphantly told me right away that you had eaten all your lunch. That was newsworthy. I of course wanted to hear more but you said you didn't remember. Clearly, you were tired. We came home and you snuggled in the chair and watched a movie and had a snack.

The next morning we got you ready to leave and you said, "Already? It feels like I was just at kindergarten!" This going to school everyday schedule is going to take some getting used to. Now, after 3 days I know that you have devoured your lunch each day (and dinner for that matter), had 2 recesses a day, took a tour of the school with your favorite stuffed animal (good ol' Snoopy), had music & art classes, drew a picture of your family, talked about the calendar and the class rules, practiced writing your letters, had story time & circle time, read an ABC book which you have labeled a "baby book", and attended P.E. where you told me you had to run 60 mph. You are not one to freely divulge information as you are truly a Jones male and I understand that. I try not to push you, but I do lead you with questions when you are trapped someplace with me (like the car). Matthew, I hope you always feel like you can talk to your mommy and daddy. I love hearing what you have to say and what you remember from your day away from me.
Today you told me you were ready for the weekend and I had to laugh. Poor guy. 12 years of this stuff! Matthew, I am so excited for this new phase of your life. You are going to love school even though it is feeling like a total repeat of your last preschool year. I believe school is going to be your element. I can't wait to see what you do. My prayer for you is that you will make lasting friendships that are pleasing to the Lord, that your love for Jesus will be apparent to everyone around you, that you will have a thirst for knowledge, and that God would protect your sweet & innocent heart.
It's the end of an era. A lot of our freedoms and flexibility are gone. That's ok though. Look at what a big boy you have become! You know what amazes me? You have learned to do your business on the toilet, dress yourself including put on your shoes, brush your own teeth, drink successfully from a cup, ride a bike, ride the blazes out of your scooter, and open a majority of food containers (even juice boxes!) on your own. These are big things, Matthew. It makes me feel like I have succeeded! You are a sweet gift from the Lord, and your father & I are doing our best to raise you in a way that honors and glorifies Him. I love you, buddy. Have an awesome kindergarten year!!!
Matthew is so privileged to have you as his mommy, Tricia Leah. (and a baby book - made me laugh out loud!).
And... I'm crying.
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