Friday, April 22, 2011

Egg Hunts

Last Sunday our church had a picnic and Easter egg hunt out at the Quarries. It was a gorgeous day, but mighty windy. I had to keep both hands on my chopped beef sandwich. We enjoyed visiting with friends, and by the end of lunch Matt was more than antsy to begin the egg hunt. He was so focused on his future candy consumption that he was in no mood to be photographed. Neither was Will.
This year they "hid" the eggs (or scattered them, really) on the tennis courts. I know, not a challenge in the slightest, but this was the preschool group.
Matt went tearing after it, and Will did just what Matt did at his age. He found his first egg, opened it up and ate its contents thinking that was his prize. Pretty cute.
Thursday after Bible study my small group had a picnic lunch and an egg hunt for the kids. Will grasped the concept a little better this time along with help from his big brother.
We already have an entire basket full of candy before the actual day. Matt even had an egg hunt at school earlier this week, so we've got 3 hunts behind us already. I believe I'll be repurposing that candy in the eggs I fill for Sunday. Matt has been hiding eggs for me all week long, it's pretty cute. We're looking forward to an awesome morning at church followed by Easter fun at the Moran's!

1 comment:

Sarah Moran said...

That last pic is maybe the cutest one of the two of them yet. OMG.