Monday, March 14, 2011

Yes, but what about the children?

Our trip was only made possible by our amazing friends Zach & Joy. When we first made mention of our desire to go on the trip Joy immediately offered to watch our kids. What a gift! Matt & Will were absolutely thrilled at the prospect of living with Ava & Henry for 5 days. And who could blame them? Matt & Ava shared a bed which gave Will & Henry their own rooms.
I don't know all the stories, but I do know that they had a lot of fun. Lots of park and play time.
When Steven & I arrived last Monday evening to pick them up Matt was all snuggled up next to Ava on the couch reading her a book. He didn't even look up when we came in. Did they miss us? I don't think they really did and I'm totally okay with that. From what Matt tells me it sounds like they were highly entertained. I hear stories of Chick-fil-a, McDonald's, ice cream, and a visit to an indoor playground with a foam pit. No wonder! I'm so glad they were having so much fun. We missed them for sure, but I never for one second worried about them. We had a great week this week just playing together. The boys were sad to be without their playmates Ava & Henry but they were happy to be home and with their things again. Matt has constructed a train track of epic proportion in his room.
I can't thank the Reners enough. That is A LOT of work to care for 4 small children for that many days. I only hope I can pull it off with that much grace and success when we return the favor and watch their kids for a week in April. Start praying. :)

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