Monday, January 31, 2011


It was another working weekend for Steven, so the boys and I took full advantage of the unseasonably warm weather and enjoyed Saturday morning at Zilker Park. We rode the train first thing, and both boys were super excited. Will sat still for the whole ride and enjoyed seeing all the dogs running around, cyclists and runners all over the place. Matthew wanted to know where we were exactly and what that street was over there and what is that building way off in the distance and how long is this track and how fast is the train going? Oh man. The questions, I tell you!
Those two were all over the playground, and Will freaked out all the on-lookers with his tiny size and mad climbing skills. Matthew is such a sweet big brother. He followed Will wherever he went and helped him when needed and was so good looking out for him. Now, if we had had a friend there with us it would have been a different story...but since it was just us they stuck together like glue.
We have been having some awesome races on the back porch lately. With all the bikes and scooters and things we have all kinds of options for everybody to ride on. It's been a lot of fun. Will says, "Go Mommy! Go Daddy!" Matthew claims to clock speeds at 400 mph even on the curves. He's crazy.
Will just scoots along trying to keep up, it's the cutest thing. Dad & Ann sent Will a climb on slide apparatus that the kids have been enjoying. Matthew especially likes to tump it over and climb on it that way. Because that's more fun, right?
Another remark about the is it that it's 75 today and then the low for tomorrow is 19??? Doesn't seem right. Here comes winter again!

1 comment:

Alison said...

While Josh and I were looking at that last picture, Josh laughed and said, " Look at that Matthewjones! I just love him." Bromance... gotta love it.