Friday, December 10, 2010

Gingerbread house

We had a full day yesterday. It began with an early morning visit to the Dr. for Matt's 5 year well check. He continues to be a square. He's 43.5" (50%ile) and 44 lbs (75%ile). He chatted with Dr. Brown pretty easily but was unable to tell her what he wanted for Christmas and then also told her that his favorite thing to do was play with his Hot Wheels. Maybe 2 years ago, but now it would be looking at maps or playing with his train track. It's just funny to hear what comes out. The Dr. prepared him that he was getting 2 booster shots that morning, so once she left the room he got really quiet and pouty. But then the nurse came in and he held on tight to Steven while getting his shots but he didn't cry at all. Not a word. I couldn't believe it. We were so proud of him. He put his shirt and shoes back on and marched out of there like it was no big deal. Hopefully he can avoid the shot-phobia that Steven & I are plagued with! Now, he's all set for kindergarten, and no more shots until he's 11. And that's like forever away. :)
Steven & Matt got haircuts that afternoon and then we got to work on building our gingerbread house. After we'd waited the alotted time for the walls to set so we could start decorating it, I couldn't keep the kids from eating up all the candy. Will just dug into those little bowls of goodness and chomped away as fast as he could stuffing his mouth full of candy. We decided to pause our decorating until after Will went to bed because, seriously, we couldn't stop him from eating the candy. He greeted Steven with a really awesome diaper this morning. :)
Once the candy eater was in bed Matt and I finished our masterpiece. We even included some signs, you know, for a personal touch. Now I get to hear Matt ask me everyday, "Mom, when can I eat it?"
In other unrelated but exciting news, Will is out of the high chair! Yay!!! He has been very pleased to have been moved into the booster seat at the big table with the rest of us. I know he feels like such a big boy. He eats a lot better up there, and there is so much less food thrown. He's gotten really good at using a fork and spoon. His progress just amazes me because Matt stayed in that high chair until we moved in with Tim & Pam, and I remember it being a more difficult adjustment with him. Will is growing up and he thinks he is big stuff, let me tell you. Just don't try and help feed him while he's sitting there at the table--he'll give you an earful of fuss.

1 comment:

Sarah Moran said...

These pictures make me smile REALLY,REALLY big! I am so proud of you guys and love you oodles! Every time I see you baking, loving your kiddos, decorating, etc--and doing it all so joyfully and patiently--I think of your momma. She is so proud! I just know it! I ate up all of the kids' words and quotes on the side of your blog. Matthew cracks me up. Oh, how precious and funny! Keep writing it all down. You will be so glad you did. Love you--Sis