Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A party fit for a sign lover

**There's a lot of pictures here, people, so prepare yourself!**
This picture kind of sums up Matthew. It's hilarious. It was taken after he woke up from his nap Friday afternoon. He helped himself to a snack (yes, it was prunes) and then retrieved the step ladder, climbed onto the counter and sat and admired his car cakes. He was very pleased.
The bounce house was delivered at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. Matthew sat at the back door and watched them set it up. Will ran around excitedly and then once he saw it begin to inflate he ran and got his shoes and stood begging at the back door. So, my kids began the bouncing early. It was a brisk 50 degrees but they couldn't have cared less.
The party started at 11:00 a.m. The morning went by fast for me, but for Matt it dragged. The bounce house was awesome...part jumpy castle, part obstacle course and part slide. I'm happy to report that no one was (seriously) injured! Still can't go wrong with a bounce house.
We had a delightful pizza lunch thanks to Papa John's. Matthew had fun making up all kinds of silly games and sharing potty humor with all his friends while eating. Classy, I know.
Will was right there in the thick of it. He wedged himself between all those big kids and sipped from whomever's juice box he could get his hands on. Ah little brothers.
More bouncing fun... There were lots of pile-ups at the bottom of the slide.
Then it was cake time. I made two cakes for a few reasons: a large number of guests, I had a cool mini car cake pan I wanted to use, AND my darling boy wanted an interstate cake. It was my first attempt at making and working with fondant. I was pleased with the result, and I know Matt was.
Here he is reciting all the interstates he sees to those gathered around.
He did a fine job blowing out the candle this year!
The kids all went for the car cakes. Surprise! That's fine with me because I thought the strawberry interstate cake was tastier. Hopped up on sugar, it was then pinata time. We walked every aisle of Party City, and while Matt was tempted by the Thomas and Curious George pinatas he landed on the #5. Perfect choice.
I believe Caroline was the one to give the final blow to the pinata. Once again, I couldn't keep Will away from the swinging bat. Like a moth to a flame.
It was a fabulous party. I had a great time. I know Matt did. The Morans stuck around and continued the bouncing fun and to watch Matt open his presents. It was really funny to watch him because he would close his eyes while opening each gift. He said that way he would be surprised. Hehehe.
And Alison, these are for you. Pics of my decorations. All credit for the puff balls goes to Alison. Thanks for the inspiration my friend!
It was a big weekend. Did I mention that Friday night Steven & I saw Lyle Lovett at the Paramount? And then on Sunday morning we had Will dedicated at church? By the way, may our experience with Will that morning be a warning to the rest of you to dedicate your children before they learn to walk and run away from you! I could hardly hold onto him while standing there next to our pastor. I was so worried I was going to drop him that I don't really remember much of what was said. I know I pledged to raise Will in a Christian home and that is the important part!
For one last birthday hurrah, and keeping with tradition, we are taking Matt & Ava to Chuck E. Cheese's tonight. Yippee!

1 comment:

Alison said...

You have done me proud, Mrs. Jones. You have done me proud. xxoo