Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Posin'

Yep, more pumpkins. Last week we met Joy, Ava & Henry at our favorite neighborhood pumpkin patch that we've been going to for years now. I looked through my old pictures and I had thought we went when they were little babies, but apparently we started going just before they turned 2.
That's Tyler there on the left. How sweet are they? And how much they've grown, my goodness. Joy & I were both remembering that awesome headband that Ava is wearing.
So these are some of my favorites that we took.
This last one is just awesome. That need to strike a fabulous pose comes from you, right Joy?
It was a great time. We picked out two pumpkins to take home, and one of those we will carve tomorrow! We capped off our morning with lunch at Phil's. Because's right up the street, how could we not?

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