Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where have we been?

Since I last posted a lot has happened! We've been to three birthday parties...for the twin boys Eli & Luke, Hannah and Cadence.
Matthew got a new booster seat for the car, and William inherited Matt's old seat and is finally facing forward like a big boy. I think they're both happy with the changes. Will just chats away and points at all the things he can see now.

The kids and I made what turned out to be a quick trip down to Port Aransas the last week of June to spend time with some of my college roomies and their children. Hurricane Alex was threatening, so we decided it wise to pack up and leave early rather than risk experiencing crazy winds, downpours of rain, and no electricity with 5 small children. But the short amount of time we had with one another was great fun.
The kids had a total blast together and created all kinds of mischief while we weren't looking. In the same day we caught them in one of the bedrooms eating iced animal cookies that they'd snatched from the kitchen AND hiding in another bedroom eating Alison's Twizzler stash. Tsk, tsk!
4 kids also shared a room that was full of bunk beds so that led to all manner of shenanigans as well. It was definitely not a restful few days, but we had fun! Will followed those big kids around and just laughed and smiled at whatever they did.
We came home in time to get ready for our annual July 4th party. Sunday was a full day. We started it off with church in the morning where there was awesome patriotic music and a tear in everyone's eye as we honored those who have served our nation. Then we came home and greeted all our friends and family with a nice BBQ lunch and way more food than we needed. We spent the afternoon watching the kids bounce and slide and collide into each other on the awesome bounce house we had in the backyard. There were some really good wipeouts into the pool at the bottom of the slide.
That evening Joyce & Ken were so kind to watch Will for us while we went out to the Quarries to watch the fireworks show that our church put on. We got there early enough to get a good spot and watch the kids run around and ask a billion times when the fireworks were going to start. Once they did finally start, which was late, Matthew was beside himself with excitement. He was jumping up and down and yelling very excited words at the show in the sky above him. I knew he would love it. He was totally entranced.
This picture is so funny to me because it proves how huge Matt is getting. He fills up my lap, and it's really uncomfortable to have him sit like that with me! But I still savored the opportunity to be close to my little boy.
It was a really great show, and once it was over we headed home and put our big boy to bed--at 10:00! What a great day we had, and it was so wonderful to be able to share it with so many great friends and family. For those who missed out, we hope to see you next year!

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