Monday, August 31, 2009

Kitchen & Draft

As of the lovely new kitchen. Before and after, of course. It's phenomenal! I love it. This is a project that we didn't really see in the cards until a few more years. But, necessity ushered in a much more functional kitchen. Really, only one side of the kitchen was touched. Eventually, we hope to do more, but this was a great start. New range and hood, new butcher block counter, a shelf for the microwave to sit on, and shelves that slide out to hold all my pantry items. I am still blown away at Steven and Zach's mad skills that they did this entire project themselves--with a short visit from a plumber and electrician. And they did it all in 2.5 days! Most impressive. It took Steven & I another day or so to sand and paint the cabinets, but now it's all done and put back together. I am indebted to Zach not only for all his hard work, but for his wise counsel and whip-cracking abilities to get this Jones family to make decisions and get it done quickly! Thanks, Zach.
My kitchen helper:Saturday afternoon we headed over to Tim and Pam's house for our WAFFL draft day. Tim had a lottery system devised that used dominoes to determine draft order. Guess who got the 12th and last overall pick? Me. Turns out it wasn't too bad. I can't say I'm over the moon about my team, but I don't think I'll lose every game. Although...I say that...We had a delicious waffle dinner at 'halftime'. The kids (most of them) actually ate their dinners that night! And who wouldn't with such awesome breakfast foods?To keep the kids semi-occupied Tim put on a movie for them. It ended up being a double feature, actually. 15 rounds takes awhile! It was a great night. I know Matthew had a blast with all those friends and cousins to play with. Will had fun too, being passed around. He slept through most of it. Can't wait to see what the season brings!On another note, Will is 7 months old! Smallest 7 month old ever, but he sure acts the part. That boy is a delight. He also ate 3 solid meals today. Growth spurt? Nah!

1 comment:

jamas said...

The kitchen looks great Trish! Congrats on your new "toys!" Tell your hubby I am so proud of him for doing such "handy" things! Ha! Wish we were going to the beach with you guys :-( Have a great time!