Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Stats

William had his 2 month well visit to the doctor yesterday. He is going to be our wee little man! It's just such a different experience than what we experienced with Matt. Will is at the complete opposite end of the scale! He is now 10 lb. 5 oz. and 20.5 inches. That's how long Matt was when he was born! Will is 25%ile for weight, 10%ile for head circumference, and he's not even on the chart for height. Sounds like his Momma. But, he's healthy and growing and received a glowing report, praise the Lord. He is such a joy. His smiles and coos are SO sweet and frequent now--I love it. I just try to remember that when I'm up at 3 a.m.!

1 comment:

Joy said...

This is the sweetest picture. I love it! Way to go little wee man.