Saturday, October 25, 2008


Matt had a big day at preschool yesterday and was visibly wiped out. In the car on the way home he said he wanted to put his jammies on and take a nap. So that's what we did. At nearly 5 o'clock I went in to wake him and found him like this. The kid was out.
Yesterday evening his school was having a fall festival complete with petting zoo, rides, inflatables, pony rides, games, train ride and bake sale. Matt was again beside himself just taking in the whole spectacle. We found Ava, and those two got on the bee ride together. Adorable!
And there they go up some inflatable obstacle course. Matt spent many tickets on that one.
Matt's favorite by far was the large inflatable slide. You get two slides per 2 tickets spent, and Matt went down that thing over, and over, and over again. Again, Mommy! He'd hand his tickets off to the nice lady manning the station and then hop back up there. They came zooming down that thing! Lots of good crashes.
The bounce house was cool, too. That was clearly Ava's favorite.
After an awesome evening of non-stop fun, we went out to eat at EZ's where Matt wolfed down his entire pizza and a lot of his veggies. Granted, it took him forever because he was so distracted by all the things around him, but was impressive.
And then here is my son the arranger. He lined all my things up on the counter and then moved them to the potty. Wow.

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