Monday, June 23, 2008

Is it ready yet?

No. But things are definitely getting more exciting...tile is going up (and it looks awesome!!!) and we're meeting with the painter today to pick out paint colors. Woo-hoo! As far as whether or not the project will be finished before our July 4th party, I have my doubts...there is SO much work still to be done, but Jose knows what his deadline is.

Matt & I survived VBS week. Matt had a blast with all his friends and loved getting to play with play-doh everyday. And eat a bag of chips everyday, too. We didn't get home until 2 everyday, so Matt had late naps all week, but he was a trooper. There were hundreds of kids there all very excited to learn more about God and to participate in all the fun activities. I was saved at VBS when I was growing up, so it means a lot to me. I was in charge of one of the preschool recreation activities, and the little 4 & 5 year olds were so cute and so willing to share what they had learned that week. Those kids were fast inside those gerbil wheels...I haven't run that much in a long time!
Saturday, we said good-bye to Joy's sister, Dawn, and her family who are moving to Nebraska. It was a hot day, but there was lots of great food and cool drinks. Matthew had 2 Capri Suns, a cookie and a popsicle. Oh, and a pickle, too. It was a great day for him. We will miss the Shaws...who knows, we might have to vacation in Nebraska one day and pay them a visit!
That afternoon we headed down to Travis & Holly's neck of the woods to have one last bash at their awesome neighborhood pool before they move. Matthew was thrilled to see faces he hadn't seen in awhile and thoroughly enjoyed the tricked out pool. Travis grilled us some yummy hot dogs, and Matt was pleased to once again have his own personal bag of chips.
And to our friend, John, who has long dreamed of being featured on this blog...your wish came true, man. Enjoy it.
After helping me eat a couple cookies, Matt was happy to run around the playground with Noah and Tyler. We finally called it a night and headed back home and put our sleepy boy to bed.
This week we are headed to Houston to pay our friends and family a visit!

1 comment:

TheHamptonFamily said...

Nice. That's one dream I can cross off the list now. Good times. Looking forward to the 4th!