Monday, June 30, 2008


We are back from our mini-vacation to Houston! Steven had a few extra days off, so we were able to head down there on Wednesday and spend some time with the Olivers. Matthew was ecstatic to see Isa and to play with her shopping carts, toy food, and colossal swing set.
Baby Diego is adorable, cuddly, and charming and getting so big! Kara invited us all over for dinner at their place that night, so we headed over and let the kids swim for awhile. The McAfees have a dog named Tucker who never grew tired of fetching a small yellow duckie from the pool. Matt loved watching him and also throwing the duck for him. Water-logged and hungry, the swimmers emerged from the pool and we all ate dinner poolside.

Thursday we ventured out to a really cool splash/slide type pool called Noah's Ark. It was a great place for small kids; really shallow water, fun slides and things to climb on. Matt & Isa loved it. Matt went down the big slide the first time all by himself not quite sure what he was getting into. He slid down that thing at lightning speed and took a big gulp of water at the bottom. He got up, caught his breath and went looking for Isa. We ate lunch out there and eventually had to get out of the pool due to lightning and approaching storms. Matt didn't understand why that was a concern. He wanted to swim!
That evening the men headed downtown to watch the Astros game and we ladies hung out at Sara's. Trisha DeGroot came over so I finally got to meet Sam; he's chubby and adorable!
Friday morning I left for my indulgent day at the spa at the Houstonian while Steven stayed behind with Matt. This was actually a gift that my dad had given me for my birthday last year! It took me that long to coordinate a trip down there to take advantage. Y'all, that place was nice! I felt like a spoiled brat the entire day. I enjoyed an hour each of a massage, facial and pedicure. I was like jello by the time I was done.
While I was being pampered, Steven & Sara took the kids to the park and to Coney Island for lunch. I think Matt's favorite part was his pink lemonade. We packed up and headed out to Katy to visit Dad & Ann.

For Christmas, they had given us a generous gift card to the Galleria and an overnight stay at the Westin Galleria in exchange for getting to take care of Matthew while we were away. What a deal! So Saturday morning we said good-bye to Matthew and first headed to an early showing of Wall-E. It was so cute; I know we'll be adding that one to our library one day. The remainder of the day we ate, shopped for hours at the Galleria and its hundreds of stores and thousands of people, ate a lovely Italian dinner and enjoyed some nice room service for breakfast the next morning. We caught one more movie, Kung Fu Panda, before returning home. We had such a nice time! But I think Matthew was really the winner in this deal. Dad & Ann took him to the little "beach" that's close to their house where he got to swim and play in the sand, and that afternoon they took him to Chuck E. Cheese! I couldn't believe it when they told us. Reportedly, Matt was about to jump out of his skin he was so excited and thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience. They said his favorite part was feeding the tickets to the monster machine so he could then go and pick out his prize. Hilarious.
We finally made it home. Our bathrooms are still not done (surprise, right?) so the July 4th party will go on only it will be at our gracious host Tim & Pam's house. They're gonna just kick us out eventually aren't they?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Is it ready yet?

No. But things are definitely getting more exciting...tile is going up (and it looks awesome!!!) and we're meeting with the painter today to pick out paint colors. Woo-hoo! As far as whether or not the project will be finished before our July 4th party, I have my doubts...there is SO much work still to be done, but Jose knows what his deadline is.

Matt & I survived VBS week. Matt had a blast with all his friends and loved getting to play with play-doh everyday. And eat a bag of chips everyday, too. We didn't get home until 2 everyday, so Matt had late naps all week, but he was a trooper. There were hundreds of kids there all very excited to learn more about God and to participate in all the fun activities. I was saved at VBS when I was growing up, so it means a lot to me. I was in charge of one of the preschool recreation activities, and the little 4 & 5 year olds were so cute and so willing to share what they had learned that week. Those kids were fast inside those gerbil wheels...I haven't run that much in a long time!
Saturday, we said good-bye to Joy's sister, Dawn, and her family who are moving to Nebraska. It was a hot day, but there was lots of great food and cool drinks. Matthew had 2 Capri Suns, a cookie and a popsicle. Oh, and a pickle, too. It was a great day for him. We will miss the Shaws...who knows, we might have to vacation in Nebraska one day and pay them a visit!
That afternoon we headed down to Travis & Holly's neck of the woods to have one last bash at their awesome neighborhood pool before they move. Matthew was thrilled to see faces he hadn't seen in awhile and thoroughly enjoyed the tricked out pool. Travis grilled us some yummy hot dogs, and Matt was pleased to once again have his own personal bag of chips.
And to our friend, John, who has long dreamed of being featured on this blog...your wish came true, man. Enjoy it.
After helping me eat a couple cookies, Matt was happy to run around the playground with Noah and Tyler. We finally called it a night and headed back home and put our sleepy boy to bed.
This week we are headed to Houston to pay our friends and family a visit!

Monday, June 16, 2008


We had a great weekend--Steven was off work, yay!! Saturday morning we piled in the van with the Moran clan and headed down to Katy to surprise my dad for Father's Day. Ann spun a great story and did a terrific job fooling him because he had no idea we were coming and he was totally shocked to see us all standing at his front door. So we enjoyed the day together eating, visiting and watching the kids run around. Ann had a cool aqua doodle mat, and the kids loved it.

Later, we took the kids outside to play in the baby pool. Ann had the brilliant idea to add some soap to make bubbles, and the all had a great time with it. I love Caroline's snaggleteeth.

My grandfather was there as well so we got to catch up with him, and I know he had fun watching those three running around. Dad & Ann made us a fantastic steak dinner, and with our bellies about to burst we headed back on the road to Austin. I'm so glad we all were able to head down together to pour some love on our dad who has been everything to us. Daddy, I love you--you are an incredibly strong, wise and tender father and I am so thankful to be your daughter.

On the drive home Mary Claire & Caroline both fell asleep but my son who normally is the first to give it up and go to sleep, stayed awake until we got home and I put him to bed at 10! I don't think he's ever, ever been up that late before. He just chatted and sang the whole time. Sunday, after wrangling small children in the church nursery, we came home and Matt had a big, long nap.

That afternoon we went over to the Rener's and Matt & Ava played in the pool in the front yard. I like how she's pinning him in this picture.

These are cute, too.

Blowing bubbles with straws.

We made chicken fried steaks per Steven's request along with mashed potatoes and fried okra. Yum! Steven Thomas, you never cease to amaze me--you're an incredible husband and the absolute perfect daddy for Matthew. The way you light up when you see him, the playful way you interact with him & ignite his imagination, and the tender way you hold him and instruct him are all evidence that you are a wonderful father and I am so thankful for you. Happy Father's Day to all you daddies out there!

This week is VBS. I'm working in the preschool recreation area, and since I'm a worker Matthew gets to tag along with me. I picked him up today and his teachers wouldn't hardly let me take him they were so in love him. So charming and sweet that one is. We got him a new backpack ("pag-pack" he says), doesn't he look cute???

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer Cut

You might notice that Matt has a more streamlined cut. Last Friday we decided it was time to mow down those untameable, curly locks and go for the Marine look. Matt did another great job in the barber's chair and sat there like a little gentleman with his hands clasped together under his smock. He carefully watched every move the barber made and enjoyed seeing his hair fall to the ground. And he would say, "great job Matthew!" Steven & I both sat there and grinned at him the whole time. I think the boy is starting to enjoy his haircuts now. Matt is still enjoying his time here at his aunt and uncle's house. He's suckered Uncle Tim into countless rounds of Thomas the Train, Curious George, and Pooh games on the computer. Tim has also been looking at a ludicrous amount of cars online and Matt has enjoyed gawking at them as well. Matt is still spending a good deal of time with his own cars...each car designated to a friend or family member, of course. He drives the cars to the post office, HEB, Chuck-E-Cheese, the bank, church, and the gym to name a few. It's a hoot to watch.Matt continues to sleep like a champ here, too. The boy loves his pack & play. I am so thankful he does.We hit the pool again yesterday morning, and Matt enjoyed walking all over the baby pool, jumping from the edge (in his cautious way), being spun around by mommy & daddy, and playing with his water gun.
Today for lunch we treated ourselves to some burgers. Matt was too absorbed in his pink lemonade, pickles, onions, and our hamburger buns than his own chicken basket. We boxed up his food and took it home, and as soon as we walked in the door he wanted to eat some more. Go figure. He sat up at the table and munched away. I brushed that kid's teeth before he went down for his nap and his breath still reeked of raw onion. Looks like I'll be enjoying that odor all day long!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Keepin' it real

It's been awhile...sorry about that. I'm trying to think of what we've been doing. Spending quality time with Tim & Pam, swimming, and playing as we usually do. Matt is happy as a clam here at Tim & Pam's house. He adores the extra attention. He's also enjoyed inventorying the cabinet. That game apparently still never gets old.

Matthew has had his first swim at the big pool this year. I hold my breath each year because I never know how he's going to react to his first introduction to the water. He screamed the first year when he was a baby, last year at the beginning the water was too cold for his taste and he didn't enjoy it too much but later in the summer he liked it, and earlier this week he was all smiles and giggles. It probably helped that we went out to Bryan & Sarah's neighborhood pool and Matt got to swim with Caroline & Mary Claire. He walked excitedly on his toes saying, "I swimmin'!!!" and then kept on going even though the water was swallowing him. I carried him into the deep end and he wanted me to let go of him. I tried to teach him to kick his feet and how to take a deep breath before going under, but the poor lad was too giggly and excited to listen to instruction. He had a blast. Earlier this week we visited the pool close to our house and Matt got to swim with Ava.
Our bathrooms are coming along nicely. Basically all the materials have arrived, the insulation is in, the dry wall is going up, the electrician has all the switches & outlets in, the plumbing is ready, the new tub has arrived, the cabinetry is being it's beginning to look more like a bathroom now instead of the raw guts of our house. Here's a view looking up at the skylight in our bathroom. Oooooooo.....
On an Amarillo-esque windy, hot day this week Matt & I got sno cones. Matt got his very own black cherry one. He requested a red one. In lieu of the spoon method he opted to suck on the straw the entire time and drink all the sugary liquid. It was awesome.