Thursday, April 17, 2008

Take it Off!

So, today while "helping" his daddy with a project Matthew managed to pinch his finger and draw a tad bit of blood. Through cries Steven told him that he needed to clean it to which Matt responded with a big "no!!" They emerged from the bathroom and Matt was saying, "No...take it off! Dis, no!! Take it off!" all through tears streaming down his face. He really didn't like the band-aid being there. Normally, Matt takes accidents very well and doesn't cry for long, but I think the drama of this one with the blood and the band-aid made him kick into overdrive. He calmed down enough to eat lunch but treated his entire left hand as completely inoperable. Usually he likes to remove the wrapper from his string cheese all by himself but today after fighting with it with one hand he let me help him. I couldn't help but laugh at him because he held that hand all funny the whole day. We did eventually take the band-aid off so the tiny cut could breathe and it was like I had released prison shackles or something...he immediately commenced to using that hand and all its fingers. So funny.

Later, after his nap we got his big Lego blocks out to build a tower. I couldn't quite get two of the pieces to go together and in my frustration I said, "what's the deal?" Naturally, Matthew thought that was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. And so "what's the deal" became his phrase of the afternoon. My little comedian. I've got to start keeping my mouth shut.

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