Friday, September 28, 2007

Sing it!

Matthew has just recently attempted to sing some of his favorite songs. It gives me the giggles every time because there's usually hand gestures and primitive dance moves coupled with it. We most frequently hear the ABC song, though usually only through the letter G with a few undecipherable letters after that before he starts over again. And the mood to sing ABC's can strike anywhere at his bed in the morning when he wakes up, in the bathtub, in his highchair, in the car, at the grocery store, at the park, you name it. To reinforce his knowledge of the alphabet he goes to his greatest information source for such a thing: his puppy. He's figured out how to cycle through all the other songs puppy sings until he finds the ABC song. He'll sit there and laugh and try to sing along, and then fast forward until it plays again. This morning in the bathtub I sang Row, Row, Row Your Boat and he thought it was the best song ever and made me repeat it at least 30 times. I'd finish and he'd say, "more!" His lyrics sounded more like, "yo, yo, yo nnnn boat." Good stuff.

And this is a picture of Robot Matthew. He especially likes the robot sound effects that go along with it. He likes the pictures I took of him, too, and asks to look at Robot Matthew frequently now. Hysterical.

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