Friday, August 3, 2007

Dining Companions

So, we already know that Matt enjoys conversing with the Luby's girl. But newly fascinating to our boy is the pirate pictured on the package of Pirate's Booty (a cheesy puffed corn snack). I have of course animated the pirate who has in turn had numerous conversations with Matthew as he eats his lunch, dinner, etc. Matt now wants to say hi to the pirate every time he's in the high chair and always frantically points to the bag that we keep on top of the refrigerator. The best part is that he says, "Daaaarrrr" over and over again. It's hilarious! The other morning when Matt woke up I heard him talking about the pirate in his room and he was loudly saying "dar!". I should give him a scabbard to swashbuckle around in there, huh? Oh, and set up a video camera to catch all the hilarity.

Steven, Matt and I headed down to the pool this afternoon for a swim.

NW Park Employee: "That'll be $5."
Steven: "Really? Last time it was $7"
NWPE: "Yeah, because it's $3 for adults and then $1 for..." (and she trailed off as the three of us made our way to the pool in utter disbelief)

Seriously?? The 16 year old employee thought I was a child?? Steven and I had a good giggle fit over it and were grateful to have saved $2. And, I suppose on the eve of my 29th b'day I should be flattered? Ugh. But, we had a brilliant time at the pool.

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