Friday, June 15, 2007

Sno Cones & A Bucket O'Fun

On Wednesday, we made a trip to our favorite sno cone stand, Casey's Snoballs. The experience is different this year because now I have a little mooch begging at my heels and eating up half my tasty treat. Suffice it to say that we don't get to the sno cone stand nearly as much as I would like! So Steven & I got our cones and all the way home we heard "a bieeeeee! a bieeeee!" being shouted from the back seat with a little chubby finger pointed at our cones. That's "a bite" for those who don't understand Mattspeak. Steven & I were cracking up. We got home and headed straight to the back yard where Matt finally got several bites.

Loaded with sugary syrup he was then ready to run around
the yard. He ended up finding the most entertainment with the orange bucket that Steven filled with water. He enjoyed throwing his toys in it and then retrieving them and repeating the cycle until he thought it would be fun to get in the bucket. After that fun he marched around the patio dragging the chairs here and there & poking at the plants with his spoon. His sugar-coma made for a small dinner, but what other time besides summer can you get away with running around like a mad-man in your diaper playing with the hose? Seriously. It's good to be Matt Jones.

1 comment:

Alison said...

well, it's about time you joined the blogging world. We were surprised the Jones' took so long, seeing as y'all are so technical with your webcam and all. I am so excited to see what little matt is up to each week. Love you guys!