This boy is undergoing more changes and trying hard to grow up. As long as I am nearby of course. I remain his favorite person, and I will enjoy it while I can because I know it will change. His oldest brother hates it when Steven is working in the evening because then he can't play video games with him. But I'll read books with him! That's fun, right? Anyway, little J hasn't started crawling yet, but I know the day is near. He will go from sitting to reaching forward really far and end up on all fours. He'll rock back and forth but lacks the confidence or strength (not sure which) to move forward. He can push himself backward on his belly. He's making moves and really trying to get to things that are out of his reach. Won't be long. And then look out Matt & Will 'cuz he's comin'!
Little Mister is finally getting the hang of finger foods and the art of chewing. I was about to worry that the day would never come, but just over the last week or so he's figured out how to chew without gagging on his food. And it is glorious. He's realized that there is whole new world of food items that he can now explore, and he is eager to try it all out. So that means that whenever anyone is eating anything he will make a loud "mmmmmmmm" noise until you share with him. We were in Central Market yesterday and he got so mad at me because he couldn't have any of the samples that were being offered throughout the store. Matt & Will were sipping on soda samples and chomping on tortilla chips, and he was turning red with rage. Pretty funny.
Johnathan has been experimenting with his vocal cords as well. Not surprisingly, he has followed suit with his brothers and babbled "dadadadadadada" over and over again. Sometimes soft and sweet, sometimes loud and fast and sometimes slow and dramatic..."daaaaaaaaaaaaada." It's cuteness. On the changing table he will sing so sweetly and play with his feet.
Basically, this boy is pure sweetness. He's at a really fun stage right now. I just want to bottle his little baby sweetness and keep it with me forever! I can't squeeze him or kiss him enough these days. I am in love, can you tell?